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Eddie pov:
I make it home and sit in my room;thinking about what just happened. Why were me and Richie being so rude to each other? This isn't how it's supposed to be like. I start to cry even more. Is Richie being serious about us not being friends anymore? I should have just gave in and apologize. I stop in my thoughts. Wait why am i acting like we're getting divorced or something. He was only my stupid ass friend it doesn't matter that much! I'm never gonna apologize no matter what!

Richie pov:
While listening to the mixtape I couldn't stop thinking about everything. That's when the song "Eddie my love" came on. oh shit I forgot I added this song to the mixtape. I listen to the lyrics and realize how weirdly they match this situation. The song said "you left me last September." and it was weird since it was September. When the song finally ended I felt like I should replay it. I payed more attention to the lyrics. It's so weird how the lyrics synced with my situation. The song then said "please Eddie don't make me wait to long" I laugh at myself and think "yeah he better not make me wait any longer before he apologizes." I continue to play it on repeat until I realize that the tears had stopped. I open my eyes and realize it's bright outside. "Shit. What time is it?" I say aloud to my self. I look at my bedside table and looked at the alarm clock that read 6 am. Well since I have no friends there really no point in going out. I'll just try my best to sleep while sun blasts through my window.

Beverly pov:
I wake up and look down on the floor where Stan was sleeping. (Btw Beverly is sleeping on Stan's bed while Stan sleeps on the floor if your confused.) I realize that Stanly is awake and is just staring at the ceiling. "Hey Stan are you ok?" I say to him. He looked at my quickly and he seemed a bit startled. "Oh, yeah I'm ok I'm just thinking." Stanley tells me. "Oh ok." I reply. "Beverly" Stan says to me. "What?" I reply. "Do you think Richie meant that when he said he wasn't apart of the losers anymore?" Stans says concerned. "Probably not, Richie is gonna come crawling back to us in about a week." I tell Stan while giggling. Stan still seems a little stressed. "Yeah most likely." Stan replies to me. "Oh Beverly are you hungry because I can make us some breakfast." Stan tells me. "Oh ok! I'll help you make breakfast." I tell Stan as we start walking to the kitchen. While walking there I think to myself. Stanley was a weird friend to be honest. When I first met Stanley he would get weirdly jealous of Bill when me and Bill hung out. Well that's what I use to think until I realized something. One day I noticed Stanley look at Bill in a way someone would admire their crush. When I saw Stanley look at Bill was when it clicked. Stanley wasn't jealous of Bill hanging out with me. Stanley was jealous of Me. He wanted to hang out with Bill.

Ben pov:
I should check if the losers have solved the fight yet. Who should I go to though? I think about whose house is the closest. I'm pretty sure Stanley's house is the closest to mine. I start walking to Stans house. When I finally get there I knock on the door. When the door opened I was very surprised to see Beverly. "Oh hi Ben." Beverly says to me. "Oh hi. Why are you at Stanley's house?" I ask Beverly as I come inside Stanley's house. "Oh we're just hanging out." Beverly replies. "BEN DO YOU WANT ANY BREAKFAST?" I hear Stanley yell from the kitchen. "NO NOT REALLY I ALREADY ATE." I replied. Me and Beverly stay in the living room talking to each other while Stanley finishes making breakfast for them. "Wait have Richie and Eddie forgave each other yet?" I ask. "Ha, no." Bev replies to me. "It's honestly funny you ask. Stan has been trying so hard to get them to apologize to each other but all his attempts fail. I feel like Stans attempts just make Richie and Eddie not want to apologize to each other even more." Beverly tells me. "Oh" I reply. "Richie told us he's not apart of the losers club anymore." Beverly says. "WHAT? When did he say this?" I ask Beverly. "Oh yesterday. A lot of drama happened yesterday I should really fill you in." Beverly says as she laughs.

*hour goes by*

Stanly pov:
"Wait! Guys I have a plan!" Beverly tells me and Ben.
"What is it?" I ask.
817 words

Hi sorry this chapter took a little while to get out 😓. I got writers block in the middle of writing the chapter so that sucked. Anyways I'll try and get the next chapter out soon. ALSO I THINK I MIGHT DO A CHAPTER SOON WERE ITS ONLY EDDIE AND RICHIE POV BUT IDK. Bye! 😋

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