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Eddie pov:
"YOU KNOW WHAT! FOR ONCE RICHIE IS RIGHT. IM ALSO DONE WITH YOUR GUYS BULLSHIT!" I scream at them. "IM FUCKING LEAVING." I yell as I start to run out of the  house. While running I just start bawling my eyes out. Since all I wanted to do was lay down in my bed I was still running and I ended up bumping into someone. (god why are so many people walking in the dark so late at night) "Oww what the fuck!" I hear Richie say.

Stan pov:
Oh my god I just fucked up big time. "Stanley I'm sorry if this sounds rude but why did you ever think it was a good idea to bring Richie here." Beverly says to me I could tell she was annoyed by the way she was talking. "Well I just thought if Richie and Eddie saw each other at least one of them would break and apologize." I told Beverly. Beverly looks at me and laughs at my stupidity. "I understand how dumb that seems now but at the time it just made sense." I say in reply to Beverly's laughs. "Their both so stubborn I don't think anyone of them is gonna break anytime soon." Beverly tells me. "Yeah especially after the shit I tried to pull." I say. Me and Beverly laugh together. "I think we should just try to get some rest and go talk to the others in the morning." Beverly tells me. "Yeah sounds like a good idea." I say while yawning.

Richie pov:
After I ran out of Stanley's house I started to walk home. While walking I heard someone running or crying close by and their breathing kinda sounded like when Eddie was out of breath. Who ever this person one was obviously is a dumbass because they didn't see me and bumped into me. "Oww what the fuck!" I say. "R-RICHIE?". oh shit it was Eddie. "What the fuck Eddie. Who are you even running from? Your mom?." I say to Eddie. "no. What are you even doing here?" Eddie ask me. "What do you mean? This is the way to my house?" I say to Eddie. "oh ok whatever." Eddie says to me.  "Anyways I better go since you don't want to be hanging around a faggot. Right Eddie?" I say to Eddie joking only a little bit. "Yeah you know what Richie. You shouldn't be acting like I'm the only one who said mean things." Eddie says and I can tell he's annoyed. "Oh yeah whatever. Just so you know I'm not gonna apologize so if you expect me to then fuck off." I say to Eddie. "Oh that's funny because I wasn't planning to apologize either." Eddie says and he's obviously mad. "Ok? It's not like I need or want your fucking apology." I say to Eddie. "Yeah sure your practically begging for my apology." Eddie responds. "You know what. Fuck off. We're no longer friends never think about talking to me again Eddie." I say as I run off to my house. As I'm running tears start forming in my eyes. Shit why the fuck am I even crying? The argument was very tense but for some reason none of us yelled? When I noticed I was finally home I ran inside to my room. I lied on my bed crying while thinking in my own thoughts. Why am i so stupid? Why did I tell Eddie we are not longer friends? WHY DIDNT EDDIE JUST FUCKING APOLOGIZE! I look to my side table and see the mixtape I made of songs that remind me of Eddie. I picked it up planning to destroy it but i couldn't bring my self too. Instead I just got my Walkman and started playing the mixtape. I feel like listening to the music didn't help it just made me think more about what had happened in the last few days. maybe I should've apologize.
665 words
I'm so sorry this part is so short. I was originally planing in making this really long but now I just split it  in half and the other part is coming out tomorrow 😋.

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