Chapter X

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Blake woke up confused.

She'd forgotten what had happened before she passed out. She tried to search her memory for whatever had caused her to black out. But she found herself distracted by whatever was going on around her.

She was laying on flowers and wood. She could just barely see torches in the corner of her eye. She was slowly but surely regaining consciousness. She could hear tribal flutes whistling. A native knelt down over her.

Suddenly, she remembered the abduction, and her mind instantly pieced together what was going on. She was about to move, when two natives grabbed her arms, and pushed her down. She kicked and screamed, trying to break free of their grip. But the native kneeling down above her took her face with one hand, and held it still. He brought a bowl to her lips, and poured some kind of liquid into her mouth. Not expecting the sudden drink, Blake gulped down the liquid.

The moment she swallowed, her struggling was beginning to slow. Her mind panicked. She was losing control of her body, and her eyelids were going limp. She was wide awake, well aware of what was happening, but she couldn't move.

The natives lifted her into a sitting position, the same one she'd witnessed that woman seated in earlier that day. Now, she saw them. The two lines of natives on either side of her, chanting that name.


The wooden plank was lifted from the ground, with Blake seated on top of it, unable to move. The natives weren't nearly as wild as they were in the last ceremony. Now they were crowded around the parade in a straight formation, all staring at her, in awe of her cat ears and dimly glowing eyes. Blake was foreign to them. A fascinating sight they never dreamed of. To them, she was like an angel gifted to them to appease their god. A god with a name.


The spectacle no longer came from the ceremony itself. Now, the sacrifice was a spectacle on its own.

The plank was placed gently on the floor, and a crowd of natives formed around it, dancing, jumping, waving their arms, and screaming. Blake could only watch as far as her eyes would go. Somehow, through everything going on around her, Sun came to mind. She prayed that, somehow, he knew where she was, and that he was preparing a rescue mission to find her.

Thoughts of Sun vanished when the man in the ape suit appeared. He leaped from the crowd screaming, and dancing. His form wasn't as wild as the others. He seemed more calculated in each sway of the hip. From a distance, the dance was strange to her. But, from up close, it was almost erotic, hypnotizing.

Blake looked past him to the gate. She realized it was bolted shut by a log, held up by a platform on the left side. Natives stood on that platform, pulling the log away from the gate so they could open it.

All the while, the dancing and screaming continued around her, along with the chanting.


Natives grabbed the gate, and pulled it back. Blake was able to see a dense forest, with trees that almost reached the height of the wall. They stood before a clearing, which separated them from the wall. In that clearing, directly in front of the wall, was an altar. It stood high above the ground. At the top, Blake could make out two pillars.

The dancing crowd parted around her. The platform was raised from the ground once again, and Blake was carried straight towards the gate, the natives in a tight formation on either side of her.


This was it. The sacrifice was about to be made. If she didn't get out of here soon, then there was no escape from whatever fate lay beyond the wall. But still, Blake couldn't move. No matter how hard she tried, her muscles wouldn't respond. She couldn't turn her head. Couldn't even twitch a finger.

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