5: Looked Like Magic

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When my father called me into the office the next day, I felt a tingle in my stomach. I know exactly what I was there for. Now I was just waiting for Zayn to get there so he could hear the news too.

After a moment, there was a light knock at the door. I looked back from the chair I was sitting in and saw Zayn. He froze when he saw me. I think it scared him because he didn't know why we were there.

"Come on in, Zayn. Then close the door and have a seat." My father directed.

He did just as my father said and sat in the chair next to me.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Styles?" He asked. But he was looking at me when he asked.

"Everything is fine. In fact, everything is great. I called you both here today because I am giving my son a promotion, you could say."

"A promotion? Wow."

"You could say." He emphasized.

"He is already in line to take over my company one day no matter what. The thing is in order for him to be able to run a successful company as CEO, I believe he needs to understand how the money works. That's where you come in."


"Yes. I want him to work directly with you for a while. He needs to get a better understanding of what needs to be done on a daily basis when it comes to the financial responsibility side of things so he will know how to manage it. Besides, you might be working here years down the road when he's your boss. You'll want a boss who understands what you do."

"That makes sense."

"So I would like for you to show him the ropes. Do whatever it is that you do and involve him in the process. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"Yes sir. I can."

"And Harry, what about you? Are you comfortable with that?"

It wasn't until then that I realized I hadn't said anything at all.

"Yes. I quickly said. "I'm comfortable with that."

"Good. But if you run into any problems, let me know."

"I will."

He smiled.

"Then let's not waste time. You two can get started as soon as you leave this office. Oh, and just so you know, Zayn. I look forward to honest updates on how he's coming along as well."

"Yes sir."

"Okay. You two can go now."

We both stood up and tried not to look at each other. And it wasn't until we got out in the hallway that we even spoke to each other.

"Okay, so... you wanna come to my office?"


We walked down to his office and went inside. Then he closed and locked the door.

It was as if we had the same idea to come together and kiss because we met in the middle and found ourselves kissing each other desperately. His hands were around my neck. Mine were on his waist. And I was putting my tongue in his mouth as deep as I could get it, tasting everything about it that I could.

Soon, I stopped kissing him and raised my head to look at him.

"I can't believe he asked us to work together." I said.

"Me either. Which tells me he
definitely doesn't know you're gay because he wouldn't let you work with me if he did."

"Do you think we can actually get any work done working together though? Or should we just make a habit of locking the door and making out instead?"

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