10: Worth the Wait

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I knew what it was like to live in secret. I did it every day. The person that left my house for work every morning wasn't the same person that woke up and got out of bed an hour earlier. Because by the time I'd left my bed and made it to my front door, I had already put on a mask. It was part of my daily attire just as anything else I put on.

So it was nice to know that I could indeed have someone in my life that I could wear a little less around; Someone I could remove my mask in front of despite being outside the walls of my home. Zayn was that for me. And I couldn't wait to have more of it.

I'd already rung the doorbell, so it wasn't long before he opened the door. He was in his underwear and that was it. I practically bulldozed my way in there for fear someone might happen to be watching.

"What are you doing answering the door like this? Someone could've seen you."

"What are you doing with a briefcase?"

I sat the briefcase down on the floor and opened it up.

"Because I didn't want anyone to see me bringing in this when the intent was to look as if I've come here for work."

When I held up a bottle of wine, he didn't say anything. Instead he took the bottle and brought it to the kitchen. I followed him.

"How was your lunch?"


"Your lunch. With your friend."

"Oh. It was fine. It was just some old friends from high school. That's all."

"Old friends. That's nice."

"I guess."

"I have a couple friends from high school too. Wish you could meet them but you know... they're probably too gay for you."

I smiled and pulled him towards me. "Shut up."

We met lips and right away I felt a strong sensation inside of me. Instinctively I pulled him closer by the waist. That was the way I needed him. And apparently he needed me closer too because he reached up and put his hands around the back of my neck to keep me in place.

When we pulled away for air, he wasted no time pushing off my suit coat. In that moment I wasn't even thinking about the fact that my coat was on the kitchen floor because I was too busy watching him skillfully use his fingers to unbutton my shirt and make their way further down until they were loosening my belt, my pants button and my zipper.

He didn't stop there either. He even got down on his hands and knees to undo my shoelaces and help me remove my socks. And seeing him on his hands knees is what made me so much more eager to have him than I had been when I first walked through his front door. I don't know why. It was just something about him being in that position.

So I pulled him up to kiss him again.

But it barely lasted because he pulled back.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked.


"Where do you want me?"

"Oh. Shouldn't I be asking you that? This is your house."

He laughed quietly.

"You shouldn't. Obviously I don't care where. I mean we were about to do it in your kitchen last night."

"Which looking back would have been a horrible mistake."

"The mess we could have made."


"So let's make a mess somewhere else."

With that he used two hands to back me out of the kitchen. As soon as we got into the hallway, he grabbed one of my hands and pulled me to the living room again. When we got there, he pushed me on the couch. That was by far the most aggressive Zayn had ever been. But I liked it.

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