20: Things Could Change

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The next day, I was in my room preforming my routine excercises when I heard my phone ring. I stood up, used a cloth to wipe my face and checked my phone. It was my mother. I started to ignore her call because I had an idea of why she might be calling. But I knew I would only be putting off the inevitable so I decided to end my excercises and I answered her call anyway.


"Harry. Are you okay?"


"I just came home from a lovely game of badminton when heard the news from your father. You and Kallie called it off?"

I sighed and sat on my bed.

"We did."

"What happened? Did something happen?"

"Mom. This a private thing between me and her. But as I told dad, we're just not compatible."

"He told me that. But what does that mean? Is it about children?"

"No. It isn't about children."

"Then why? You were getting on so well weren't you?"

"I guess."

"That's all you have to say?"

"It's all I know to say."

"Yes, but you don't seem so broken up about it as I expected you to be. Do you care at all that you lost her?"


"I need to know this, Harry. Do you care? And if not, why did you get into this relationship in the first place?"

I knew she was still unaware of the private meetings Kenan had with my father and I didn't want to be the one to tell her. So I took a step back and said what she wanted me to say.

"I'm not that hurt because she's still going to be in my life. We agreed to be genuine friends who actually see each other after the breakup. So I'm not really losing her. I'm just not going to marry her."

"And she's satisfied with that?"

"Yes. Very. So am I."

I heard her sigh.

"This is just awful though. I had so many ideas for your wedding. Now it's all ruined. This week just keeps getting worse."

"Keeps?" I asked.

"Yes. Your father told me that Zayn hasn't shown up to work in three days without a single word. He hasn't called and he isn't answering my calls. I don't even know if he's okay."

I knew he was okay. I'd driven by his house today after work and his car was gone. So he was alive if nothing else.

"I think he's okay. Maybe he just has something going on."

"Perhaps. But it's infuriating that he would do this. I am the one who hired him. This looks bad on me. And you know your father. He's angry about it. Zayn picked the wrong time to do this."

"I know."

"Are you doing okay without him though? How is your campaign coming along."

"Fine. A little overwhelming. But the hardest parts have been done already. I think it's the anticipation that's getting to me."

"I understand. Hopefully Zayn will be back tomorrow. And when he does, you'll get some relief."


"Well, I'm going to hydrate and take a shower. Badminton really makes me break a sweat."

"And I just finished exercising. So I'm going to do the same thing."

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