13: I Need Answers

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I was excited. Zayn told me that he wanted me to come over. The plan was to have a movie date. He'd make popcorn, we'd eat bowls of ice cream and just watch whatever we felt like watching while we cuddled up under the blankets on the new couch I still hadn't seen yet. He'd told me it was bright red and I wasn't convinced Zayn would actually buy a bright red couch. So he invited me over to see for myself.

That's why I was there, knocking at the door of Zayn's home. As I was waiting for the door to open, I heard a car pull up in his driveway. So I turned around to see who it was. A man who favored Zayn got out of a car.

"Can I help you?" He asked me.


"Who are you looking for?"

Before I could answer, I heard the door open and faced it. Zayn smiled when he saw me and reached out towards me. But I stepped back smoothly as if I was letting the man come up to the door. That's when Zayn saw him.

"Oh my gosh. Dad."

"Do you know this man?"

He cleared his throat. "Yes. I do. He's my boss. Harry Styles."

"Oh. Good thing. I saw him at your front door I didn't know if I needed to give him the one-two punch or not."


"I'm just kidding. Don't fire my son because of me, Harry. He loves his job."

He stuck his hand out to me.

"I'm Yaser Malik. Zayn's father as you've probably derived by this point."

"Yes sir. Your son is a good worker."

"Thank you. We taught him to be. Me and my wife, that is. Who by the way is on her way with your sisters, Zayn. They took a detour."

"Okay. Do you want to go start up the grill for me while I talk to my boss for a minute?"

"You know I live for it. I'll be in the backyard."

He disappeared into the house and Zayn looked at me.

"Let's step outside."

I was already outside, so I waited for him to come out and pull the door up behind him.

"Family dinner, huh?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot that my family was coming over. I got swept up in the idea of us having a nice night together that I didn't even think-"

"You could have put me in jeopardy." I said pointedly.

"I know."

"You have to think, Zayn. You can't just do."

"I know.

I put a hand over my eyes. The thought of me being caught having a causal night with Zayn by his own father terrified me.

"I should go before the rest of your family gets here."


He grazed my hand. But I quickly took it away and put it in my pocket. "What?"

"We can have the movie night another time. Just stay and have dinner with my family instead. You'll love them."


The door opened.


He turned to his father.


"What is this?"

He held up an orange bottle.

"Ligter fluid. It says it on the bottle."

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