23: Home Again

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When someone a person doesn't know personally says something hurtful about them, it stings. But when someone a person does know personally says the exact same thing, it cuts to the core. Because the thought is with the intimate knowledge they have of that person, they should know to be more careful. They would understand how much their words impact them and tailor them to that knowledge. Sadly, that isn't always the case. And it wasn't the case with anyone that I knew.

I remember how sharp Jayson's words were when I asked him about Cristan. I wondered why he seemed so angry. Way more angry than Eric. Then I realized it was because he found out Cristan liked him. Although being liked didn't mean he was gay too, he didn't even like the idea of being friends with someone who was gay. As if he'd automatically be gay by association.

It was a very ignorant way of thinking but I was certain he didn't care. I was also certain that his stance would not change simply because I was also the guy he had been begging for money from five days ago. Lucky for me though, I had knowledge that Cristan didn't have when he came out. I knew exactly what kind of "friends" I was dealing with. Which is why I wasn't going to be shocked if they didn't speak to me ever again. But if that was going to be the case, I wanted them to know that it was me ending out friendship. Not them.

So by day three when out of every call I recieved, it wasn't them, I called Jayson from work. Apparently he didn't recognize it was a company phone number because he answered right away.


"Jayson, it's me but before you hang up, I have something I want to say."

"Harry, I have nothing I want to say to say to you. You lied to us."

"I didn't lie to you. I kept something from you. There's a difference."

"Well it feels like the same thing to me."

"Will you just wait a moment? I'm going to get Eric on the phone."

He huffed impatiently but surprisingly did not hang up.

After a moment, Eric answered and the calls were merged.


"Eric. You are on a conference call with Jayson and myself."


"Yes. It's me. Don't hang up until I finish saying what I want to say."

"What do you want to say?"

I didn't hold my tongue.

"I know you two want so badly to be the ones to end this friendship but I called just to tell you you aren't going to be the ones to end it. I am."


"You two think that I don't know who you really are? I do. And you know how I know? Because I ran into Cristan the other day. He told me all about how homophobic you two are. How you called him all kinds of names after you found out he was gay. You two aren't real friends. You're as fake as they come.

"And you know something else? You're cowards. You had so much to say about Cristan to me but it's been three days and you couldn't dare pick up the phone and open your mouths to me in the same way. I don't know if you're scared of the fact that I came out on my own or if you're realizing the playing field is now even between us four. But I want you to know you don't have to be concerned about it anymore. Today is the last time we'll ever speak.

"Before I end this call though, I want to part with some words of advice. Eric, you're married. You need to grow up, act like an adult and stop following this clown around the city. Why are you befriending someone who's too irresponsible to even manage his own money?

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