9: The Perfect Segue

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I knew it was too late to try to hide Zayn. Whoever was at my front door had to have already seen his car. So instead, I gave Zayn time to put on his shoes while I tried to calm myself as much as possible. By the time Zayn finished, I'd made it to the door. So I pulled back the curtain on the side window and peeked out to see who it was. I was shocked to see the familiar face.

Knowing there was nothing I could do now, I opened the door as nonchalantly as I could. But I was also concealing my boner with the door.

"Wow. Hey. What are you doing here, Kallie?"

"I wanted to surprise you." She said excitedly.


"Your father had called and I asked him about you. He said that you like surprise visits. So I thought I would surprise you by taking you out to dinner."


"Should I come in or is there someone here you don't want me to meet?"


"The car outside. I saw it when I drove up."

"Oh. Right."

I opened the door wider so she could come in. She did.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay."

After closing the door, I turned around to see Zayn in front of us with his work bag in his hand.

"Hello." He greeted.


"I'm, Zayn. The accountant at Manly."

I saw the way she looked at him. Not in a way that meant she didn't like him. More so in a way that a gay man was working at Manly, a company that actively promoted a narrow minded view of what it was to be manly. Zayn must've been walking irony to her.

"And I'm Kallie. Harry's... girlfriend."

She looked at me for confirmation but I felt weird confirming anything. My boyfriend was meeting my girlfriend for the first time and it was just way too awkward.

"Very nice to meet you. Well, I'm sure you'd like to have some alone time with your boyfriend. So I'll just be going."

"No, I don't want to stop anything."

"You're not stopping anything. We were just working over some numbers for a new campaign Mr. Styles wants his son to do."


"But we can finish up another time. It's no big deal. You two go out to dinner."

"Actually." I quickly said. "I don't want to go out to dinner. I don't really feel like it."

More like I wanted Zayn to understand how much I really didn't want to go anywhere with her. I needed him to know that before he left.

"Then you don't have to. Kallie, Harry bought dinner for us but I wasn't hungry. You two can stay in and eat it."


"Go ahead, it's totally okay. Then at least you'll get some private time."



When Zayn walked out of the door without looking at me, I felt sick. Our secrecy hurt him and I could tell.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even watch him leave because Kallie closed the door behind him and kissed me. Only I pulled apart after a couple seconds. I told Zayn I would be emotionally and physically unavailable. I needed to keep my word.

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