16: Not Changing. Evolving

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"Evolution is the gradual change of one thing into something better. We are constantly evolving every day. The uniue experiences we have and the people we are around help shape us into the people we are. But we aren't the same as we were yesterday and we are not the same as anyone else. So why should our cologne be?..... Let's evolve together. Because we aren't just making colonge for one. We're making cologne for everyone."

I took off my headphones and looked through the window of the booth. A woman's voice came through the speaker.

"Excellent, Mr. Styles. That's the take we were looking for."


"Yes. You nailed it. Come hear the playback."

I clapped once and left the booth where the DJ was.

When I got there, she played it back for me. I was pleased with what I heard. But I looked back at Zayn.

"Did you like it?"

"I loved it. I think out of all the things we wrote, this one embodies what you want to say the most."

"Okay then. We'll take it, Ebony."


As she began to save the file, I rubbed my hands together nervously. The only thing left was hiring the models to take the photos. Zayn had already helped me with purchasing the set, wardrobe, photographer and equipment. He thought I should hire more staff but I insisted I wanted this to be my doing, unblemished by others. Because I wanted my father to be proud of me more than he ever had.

"So Manly is rebranding?" Ebony asked.

"That is the hope. Sometime in the future."

"Wow. I didn't think Mr. Styles would want to change it up with it going so well."

"Not changing. Evolving. And by that, I mean we're targeting a broader audience."

"Wow. Good luck with that."

"Thank you."

She held out a drive to me.

"Do you want this or do you want your assistant to take it?"

"I'll take it." Zayn volunteered.

"Alright. I can't wait to see what you do with it."

"Thank you."

We left the studio building and climbed into my car. I heard Zayn sigh next to me.

"What's wong?"

"Thinking. I can't believe your father asked me to come along and get anything you need like I'm your errand boy instead of his accountant."

"I know. I can't believe it either."

"I know I don't show it but sometimes it bothers me that he doesn't respect me."

"It bothers be too. But one day he won't treat you like that."

"How do you know? Because you'll make sure of it?"


He sat back in his seat.

"Since I am an accountant, I might as well do my job. We paid for our studio time but it will show as pending on the accounts. Payments will be coming out for the models and photographer we hired too. But I'll have all that logged when it's time so you don't have to worry."

"I'm not worried. I know you'll do your job just fine. You were doing it before I came here."

He smiled briefly to acknowledge my confidence in him.

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