14: Safe and Good

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I didn't text or call Zayn later that night because I wasn't sure how long his family would be there. But he never texted or called me either which meant he was still upset. Obviously he wasn't going to suddenly change his mind by the next morning. So I was worried when I came into work.

More than just the fact that I would have to see him, it just so happened to be the day the writer I hired was finally able to meet. Which meant Zayn and I had to spend all day working directly together. Or at least as long as it took to finish. When according to my father's estimation usually took the average person's workday and then some. And it did.

Which is why by the time we finished, Zayn and I were the only employees left on our floor. Even the night janitor had finished his work and gone home.

"Thank you so much for your help, Sheba. This was a very enlightening process." I said.

"Of course. I'm delighted to help you with whatever you need, Harry. Anything for the son of Mr. Styles."

I shook her hand.

"Thank you."

"And you, Zayn. It was a pleasure as well. Sorry to have kept you here so long but I'm glad you could stay the whole time."

"Don't worry about it. I don't go home to anyone."

"Well, I can't say the same. So I am going to pick up a bottle of wine and hope that my husband at least waited up for me even if he's already eaten dinner without me."

"I'll walk you out." I said.


I walked her to the elevators and said my goodbyes one more time. By the time I returned, Zayn was already gathering his things. I stopped in my tracks and leaned against the door frame to watch him. It hurt to see him preparing to leave when we had resolved nothing.

"It doesn't have to be like that, you know."

He glanced back at me.


"You don't have to have no one to go home to."

He scoffed but not mockingly.

"Yes I do."

"You don't. I care about you and I want nothing more than for me to be someone you could go home to. I want to be."

"Kinda hard to with Kallie in the picture though, right?"

"Yes." I admitted.

"But I swear I'm trying to permanently remove her. It's just that it's my first time doing this and I'm trying to figure out what she hates so that she dumps me. It's not easy though because she's such a forgiving and yielding woman. Any straight man would be lucky to have her. Just like Mr. Brown and my father told me."

He stopped packing his things and folded his arms.

"So how much longer then?"

"I don't know. But my goal is to have her gone before the campaign."

"Less than two months. Wow. You think you could pull it off without making it obvious you're trying to get rid of her?"

"I'm sure I'll figure it out. But right now I don't want to talk about her. This conversation needs to be about you and me and how we can make up. I thought about it all night and morning. I know we missed a great opportunity yesterday. So about your offer for another time-"



"You know that I know what it's like to be in the closet. And I would never ever force you to come out."

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