12: Bury Me Deeper

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I was in my office with Zayn a week later. We were discussing the campaign. I had less than two months before it launched and even less time to put it together.

I had finally told my father what the goal of the campaign was, to appeal to more people. I didn't tell him all the things I told Zayn but I did appeal to his love of money by implying that if we targeted a bigger audience it would mean more money in his pockets. He liked the sound of that. So we went to my office to get started on the actual details of how to do just that.

I wanted to reach people, yes. But I didn't want to do any fancy commercials. Especially not those predictable but confusing perfume commercials of women in elegant flowy dresses running through flower fields or shirtless men rising up out of a body of water in black and white filters. I wanted it to be real and I didn't want to promote sex. Just scent.

And the biggest way I could see all my desires being met was through social media posts.

"You really should think about the thought you want to convey first." Zayn told me.

"I've already thought about it. I want a cologne for all men. Not just the straight ones. And honestly even if women like the smell of it they can use it too. Who cares? It's just a scent."

"True. But you would still need to convey that to your audience in the right way without offending them. Maybe you should think about hiring a writer. Brady could totally help you with that."

"Ah." I chuckled out.

"You're saying I'm not a good writer?"

"I don't know. Are you?"

I stood up from behind my desk and came around to him. He was watching me the entire time.

"I'll have you know I am an excellent writer."

"Prove it."

I leaned beside him, speaking in his ear.

"By writing you a love note?"

He turned to me.

"No. By writing a first draft."

"So no note then. That's too bad. I really would've liked to tell you about how badly I want to kiss you right now."

"I would advise you not to. And you know why."

"I do know why."

"Okay then. So don't even think about it. I don't want to take any chances."

"I get it. But just so you know, in the time we were arguing about kissing, you could have kissed me and been done."

He only stared at me. He knew I was right. So when he saw me leaning in, he didn't say anything or move away. He just let me kiss him.

When it was over, I looked him in the eyes.

"See?" I said.


Just then, we heard to quick knocks. We both jumped apart and turned just as the door was opening. I was suprised by who I was seeing.

"Kallie? What are you doing here?"

"Hello, to you too."

I quickly corrected myself.

"Sorry. I was just surprised. What made you come here?"

"Don't worry. It's not a visit for you. I stopped by to see your father to talk to him."

"Talk to him?"

"Yes. I wanted to know more about um..." She peeked around me and saw Zayn.

"Hi, Zayn."

"Hi, Kallie. Good to see you again."

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