15: Drunk or Sober

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"That's a nice thought, Zayn. It is. But I'm not sure I really want my face out there like that just yet."

"Why? You have a beautiful face."

"So do you, but I don't see you volunteering to model in front of cameras."

He chuckled.

"Well, your dad would kick my ass for even thinking about it, so no. You won't see me doing that."

"Do you want to though?"

He looked amused.

"In your dreams."

"No. In real life. I'm serious."

"Me too. Your father would quite literally snap my neck if he saw photos of me on your campaign. So yes, you are dreaming."

I held a finger up.

"Whoa, what's that you're always telling me about not worrying about my father so much?"

He shook his head.

"That's different. I'm not the son he wants to run his company one day. I am an openly gay man who wears too bright clothes for his taste. You should have seen the way he looked at this green suit today. He didn't like it."

I smiled.

"But it's my campaign. And I bet you would look amazing posing against a winter backdrop in fur."

Hell looked apprehensive.

"Yeah, right."

"You would. I know it. You know what? Let's go ahead and get an official headshot right now."

When he saw me going for my phone, he covered his face with his hands.

"Stop it!"


"Then I'm not moving my hands."

"Yes you are. You can't keep your hands up forever. At some point, you're going to have to pee. Or you will get hungry."

"I'm already hungry actually."

"Which means it won't be long before you give up anyway. So you might as well put your hands down and let me take a picture. Go on. Let me look at your pretty face."

Reluctantly he dropped his hands. I quickly snapped a few pictures before he could change his mind.

"Are you done?"

"I'm done."

I looked at the last picture I took of him. I couldn't help but zoom in on his face and look at his features. He was so beautiful.

"Why are you looking at it like that?" I heard.

I smiled over at him.

"Because I'm admiring the most stunning man in the world. That's why."

He rolled his eyes but I could tell by the red in his face that it got to him.

"Shouldn't you be leaving instead of clowning around? I thought you said you had something important to do after work."

"I do but this is important too. We're talking about the media for my campaign."

"Yeah but we stopped being serious five minutes ago. That means we should call it for the night and go home. It's already late anyway."

He stood up.

"Which by the way, we really can't keep staying late like this."

"Why not?"

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