18: Seen it Coming

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It was sometime in the middle of the night. Not only was I deep in sleep, I was dreaming. That is until the dream I had been dreaming slowly began to fade away into whispers of my name.

"Harry... Harry..."

After a moment, I slowly opened my eyes into the darkness.

"Hey, sleepyhead."

Hands ran through my hair.

"I decided to come by tonight instead of staying at the hospital. There isn't anything I can do for him right now. But I could use your comfort tonight."

"Kallie?" I said sleepily.

"Yeah. It's me."

As if I had just registered who I was talking to, I quickly sat up and looked next to me. The bed was empty. But I knew Zayn was here somewhere because his shoes were still on my side of the bed.

"I can't right now." I quickly said.

"You can't what?"

"I really wish you would have called before you used that key."


Just as she finished her question, the toilet in my bathroom flushed and the water faucet turned on.

We both looked toward the bathroom door.

"Who is that?"

I stood up out of bed, exposing my fully naked body.

"Just a friend who stayed over. So you should really go right away.

"A friend? Then why are you naked and why are they using your bathroom?"

I didn't have the answer to that so I just looked at her blankly. I knew I was busted.

When the door opened, I covered my eyes with my hands. I didn't want to see the moment they discovered each other there.


"Oh my gosh, Harry." I heard Zayn say and then I heard a lamp turn on.

"Harry. What the hell is going on?"

I uncovered my eyes and glanced at Zayn. He had covered himself with my duvet.

On the other hand, Kallie didn't scream or panic or do anything dramatic. She just stood shocked. Her eyes were practically about to pop out of her head though.

"You two have been... sleeping together?" She asked.

I was quiet.

"You're gay?"

I plopped down on the bed. I still didn't respond.

"Wow... I guess... maybe I should have seen it coming. You two were always together."

She looked so confused.

"I have to go."

But the thought of her just leaving like this without knowing what would happen next was scary. So I threw on a pair of shorts and ran downstairs after her. I was able to catch her just as she opened the front door.

"Kallie. I didn't want to hurt you."

"But you did."

"I'm so sorry."

"You could have told me you were gay. It would have made things easier. I mean, you are gay, right? Because if you are gay, I don't care."

I took the doorknob from her hand and slammed the front door closed.

"Will you stop telling the whole fucking neighborhood please?"

She drew away from me.


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