7: Ruin My Reputation

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I could never forget what Zayn said to me that day in my office. About how I hate myself because of what I am. I knew he was right. But no matter how right he was, I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't not be disappointed in myself because all my life, I had been conditioned by my father to hate who I was. I just didn't know that's what he was doing then.

So despite the fact that I knew I really didn't want to do it, I called up Kallie and asked her to dinner. It was obvious she was excited to hear from me. In fact, she was so excited that a big part of me wondered if she really liked me and if this arrangement was more than just an idea our fathers came up with.

I had never taken anyone on a date before and I didn't even know of a good place to take her. So I ended up letting her choose. Surprisingly, she didn't really have expensive taste. She just wanted to go somewhere she could get a hamburger.

Most women don't choose hamburgers or any messy finger foods on their first date. They prefer something cleaner so they don't turn off their date before they're comfortable with each other. But not her. She didn't mind at all. And I was kind of grateful for that.

After we finished eating, I was ready to call it a night and leave. But she was only interested in talking and getting to know me. I'd almost forgotten that was what dating was really all about.

"So you like the idea of taking over your father's company one day?" She asked.

"Uh..." I said. "I'm not clamoring after it if that's what you really mean. But I'm sure my father will prepare me well before I take over. Plus it's a sure thing. And it's nice to know you have a sure future provided by someone who has your best interests at heart."

"Hmm. That's funny."


"My father has my best interests at heart as well. But the truth is just because they have your best interests at heart, it doesn't mean what they're deciding for you is the right decision."

I thought for a moment. I guess that was true.

"Can't we say the same thing for ourselves though? I mean, we have our own best interests at heart too but that doesn't mean we always make the right decisions for ourselves either."


"So what are you saying then? You don't think your father is right?"

She shrugged.

"I don't know. I kind of think he is but also I'm not sure. That's why I agreed to do this. So that we can see. And if this whole thing doesn't work out, then he'll just have to accept that I'm going to do whatever I choose to do with his company whenever he gives it to me."


"So what about you then? Did you agree to this arrangement for the same reason? Because your father thinks this is best?"

"I didn't agree to this to tell you the truth. I found out about this the same day you all came to the office."

She looked surprised.

"Wait. What?"

"Yeah. My father didn't tell me until just before you came in that day."

"Wow." She said. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"But I should. When my father and I discussed a husband for me to take over his company. We agreed that we would compromise on someone. And you were it. You were my choice and you were his choice. But I didn't know our fathers would do this behind your back and not tell you. I wanted all parties to agree to this.

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