Perfect timing

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Ericka's POV

I woke up to the sound of soft snores that belonged to Shane. I'm glad he was awake now and healing, seeing him look so lifeless, so still scared the crap out of me.

I got off of my cot as quietly as I could and made my way to the restroom. I was just about done brushing my teeth when I felt sick again... now I was officially convinced it wasn't stress making me feel like this. I couldn't be in denial any longer, I thought I would be happy about the possibility of this happening but I'm not, I'm actually a bit depressed and angry at myself.

As I walked out the bathroom Shane was awake and had a confused look on his face.

"Ericka, are you sure you're alright?" He asked me, clearly he heard me again yak. Unable to speak I just shake my head no, and tears began to form.

"Can you tell me what's wrong at least?" He questions me as I began to feel myself slightly shake

"I think, I'm pregnant." I tell him wrapping my arms around my waist

"Princess, we've been wanting this for so long... Everything will be ok, I'm not going anywhere you know that." Shane begins to say "come baby please!" He says patting the side of his bed "if you're scared about that asshole doing something to you, I'm not gonna fucking allow it, I'd kill him before he even gets close to you. I..." He didn't get a chance to speak before I cut him off

"I know you will amor, I believe you on that." I tell him as Iook down taking in a deep breathe

"Then why are you not happy about this? Are you scared you're gonna miscarry again or the walkers coming after it cause princess...." He says as he rubs my back as I cut him off again

"It's not that Shane, we can handle the walkers." I say now at this point breaking down

"Then what is it, babe?" He says with a blank expression

I turn my head to face him and take another deep breath... "I don't know if the baby is yours or not, there's a chance it might also be Daryl's." I say covering my face with my hands as I was now sobbing uncontrollably

Shane's pov

As Ericka sobbed I didn't know what to do. I completely forgot she hooked up with Daryl out of spite cause she thought I cheated on her again with Holly but Holly actually drugged me.

As I was about to speak to her again, she stood up from my bed and left the room.

My head was over working by over thinking, my heart felt slightly shatterred, but my gut instinct was telling me everything was OK and not to worry. I had a strong feeling the baby was mine, I just wish I could've told her this before she left the room.

Ericka's POV

I was headed to Dr. Carson's office when I was stopped by Maggie who can see I was obviously crying. I had no choice but to tell her as she pulled me in to a tight hug reassuring me everything was gonna be alright.

"I judged Lori so bad now look at me, I'm exactly in the same situation she was in.... this is my karma for judging her, my karma for not believing my husband about him being drugged, my karma for sleeping with Daryl out of spite." I tell her as she just held me tight letting me vent

"I'll go in with you to see doc, I'm not letting you go alone." She says as she moves me into his office

"Well Mrs. Walsh I say you're about three months in, congratulations!" He tells me as I just stared at the screen listening to my baby's heartbeat. Maggie and I are a month apart.

I tried doing the math but I slept with both Shane and Daryl the same week, there's no way of telling who the father is until it's born. Sure doc can probably do a paternity test but how can I get Shane's DNA right now or Daryl's for that matter plus it'll probably take weeks to get the results. I wanted to ask doc but I didn't want to be judged... I know how fucking ironic!

Later that afternoon

I was by Maggie's side all day, after confirming my pregnancy. We were on watch together when we saw a group walking towards us. We had some surprise visitors. Rick, Michonne, Carl, Tara, and my cousin Rosita.

I immediately pull Rosita aside and tell her everything while I was able to overhear Rick tell Maggie we're going to war against  Negan.

"I'm here for you no matter what, ok?" She tells me pulling me in close to her, "Te tengo a ti y a tu bebé" ( I got you and your baby)

"Thank you Roe, I love you!" I tell her

"Where's Shane?" Rick asked as he was walking up to me

"He's resting up, he's still pretty banged up. He had internal bleeding and it hurts him a little  to breathe still." I say to Rick

"We're gearing up for war, we're gonna need you two since we can't rely on Maggie that much." He tells me placing his hand on my shoulder

"You can't rely on me that much either, I'm sorry!" I say to him as he was confused " I'm pregnant too, Rick."

"Congratulations! I know you two wanted this for so long." He says pulling me into a hug as did Michonne and Tara who overheard

Just then we heard something from a distance, Daryl appeared along with Jesus causing Rick to run up to them as the others followed leaving Rosita and I alone for a bit

"I would tell him too ya know?" She says "Shane's your husband he's already automatically the father anyway, but Daryl has a right to know. " I simply nod and walk away, I hate to admit it but Daryl did have every right to know.

Later that night, I went back into Shane's room after not being there since this morning.

"Where have you been?" Shane questioned me as I barley entered the room "Rick came in here telling me tomorrow where going to "The Kingdom" to recruit more people for this war that's gonna happen."

"I was with Maggie, I just needed time to think is all." I begin "and yes, everyone is going including us afterwards we're all going back to Alexandria."

"I'm ready to kill that son of a bitch." Shane says with a hint of anger showing on his face as well as his voice

"I went to see Dr. Carson." I say as I reach in my back pocket "it's official, I'm three months in." Handing my sonogram to Shane as he had a slight smile on his face

Shane's POV

Seeing the sonogram was bittersweet, I was happy at first but then reality set in that the baby might be Daryl's causing my smile to fade.

"You know, since we're married that baby is technically mine no matter what?" I say to Ericka as she nods and looks at me

"That's exactly what Rosita said... she thinks I should also tell Daryl since he does have a right to know." She says looking at the sonogram

"He does... I found out Lori was pregnant cause Rick told me when I was watching the walker barn back at the farm... When I went to ask her if it was true, she had no intention of telling me but I told her I would've put two and two together eventually... we both know Daryl, what if the baby comes out with blue eyes and he notices and then he puts two and two together?... I don't like it but tell him no matter what, we're raising the baby." I tell her sternly  as she didn't look at me but I knew she listened and was thinking about every word I said

Ericka's POV

"And if the baby comes out with a  big nose and big ears, we know it's yours!" I say trying to make a joke which actually made Shane and I laugh a bit

Shane had a point, I wouldn't be able to hide it from Daryl that long. He's smart, he would eventually figure it out. I just didn't want to hurt him, it's already bad enough I'm hurting my husband by potentially carrying my best friends baby.

( oh no I didn't just do that lol so #TeamShane or #TeamDaryl?)

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