To the future

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"What do you think prima? It sounds promising." Rosita says turning to me

"It does." I answer her, "the kids going to school is better than being homeschooled every so often."

"But what's stopping you?" She asked knowing something is bothering me. I didn't say anything, I just shrugged my shoulder and looked over at the new cemetery.

"Ericka, he's gone." She tells me placing her hand on my shoulder. "That's not Shane laying there, it's just a shell of what was once his body."

"I visit him every night when I'm here and what's gonna happen with Alexandria? Are we just gonna abandon this place that sheltered us for years?" I respond to her with worry on my face

"Listen to me prima... I know you still miss and love him, and you're forcing yourself to get over him but us going to commonwealth seems legit. Just like you tell Shayna, Shane is always with you." She tells me pulling me into a hug

I hate it when Roe was right and had to put me in check. If we're leaving there's one thing for me to do... Officially say goodbye to mi amor.

"Hey, can we talk?" Daryl says approaching me

"So why did you chase after Leah?" I say getting straight to the point

"I warned her." He begins "If she ever came around again, you and I won't hesitate to kill her." He says getting closer to me

I nod in agreement with his statement, "if only she knew, she had my sloppy seconds and not the other way around." I say teasing Daryl as he chuckles a bit

"You going to commonwealth ?" He says leaning on a pilar

"I'm only giving this place a chance for the kids sake." I say looking down

"Ok... Move in with me, we'll start fresh and be a family... The five of us." He says starring at me

My head and my gut feeling were screaming yes but my heart was hesitant cause of Shane.

"If we're going to be together, we gotta give this a real shot and not the kid stuff we did back at the prison either." He says sternly now walking towards me and reaching out for my hand.

After a few minutes of thinking and us standing in silence, I had my answer. "Yes." I say as I place my hand in his and he pulls me in his arms, the answer easily came to me. "I'm ready to move on now, help me let go of my past again."

"Only way we can let go of our past is us focusing on our future." He says placing his lips on mine

"Just like the prison." I say jokingly as deja Vu hit me

"Only we're not in the shower practically almost screwing each other's brains out." He says making me laugh

Later that night

I finished packing three bags worth of stuff, all that was left in the closet was Shane's clothes. I grabbed his dark blue shirt, my favorite shirt to see him in. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as his scent flows through my nostrils and memories of being on the farm came to my mind. Specifically the night Dale died, he wore this shirt that night.

"You leaving me?" I hear as I open my eyes and turn to my head to the bed and see Shane's image as the candles in my room flicker

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"You leaving me?" I hear as I open my eyes and turn to my head to the bed and see Shane's image as the candles in my room flicker

"You're back?" I say talking to my hallucination

"You and Daryl?" He questions me

"Yeah, I told you when I went to visit you." I say still holding his shirt and walking towards my bed
"I still love you amor, and I miss the hell out of you but me hallucinating isn't healthy. Be my angel please, not a ghost."

"Love you too princess, always and forever." He says fading away

"Who are you talking to?" Daryl walks in seeing me with tears in my eyes

Embarrassed I didn't answer, I just sobbed into Shane's shirt as he held me letting me cry.

After my breakdown I confessed to Daryl my hallucinations and he confessed that he too would hallucinate Merle. Us having that moment meant alot to me, this was a new chapter in our story and our future seems bright.

He and I put the kids to bed me and I went to visit Shane one last time before we left tomorrow.

I sat at his grave, thinking what song to sing to be him one last time. I grew tired of Linger, dreaming of you makes me sob uncontrollably and after my breakdown earlier I didn't want to cry again. I thought about singing one of his songs to me but couldn't decide  which one, so I picked the song I would listen to when I broke up with him after he told me he cheated on me with Holly, the same song I would play over and over again when I broke up with him again and moved in with Rosita.

"I love you amor, forever and always." I say kissing the grave marker and walking away only to run into Rosita who was taking Coco out on a stroll

"That damn song is gonna be in my head now, thanks." She says rolling her eyes which makes me giggle a bit, I ended up going her on the walk as we talked about the Commonwealth

"You know, no matter what happens we have each other right?" She says to me

"I know, it's just scary we're leaving this place." I reply to her "as shitty as it is now, this was our home."

"And so will be commonwealth, come on prima you're supposed to be the positive one not me." She says making me laugh "I love you prima, I know you're scared and nervous, I am too but we have our loved ones with us. It'll all be good."

I arrived back at my place, Daryl was asleep in the bed. I climbed in trying not to wake him but he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"Love you, vixen." He says in a soft whisper which sent chills through my body

"Love you too, lobo." I say as I drift off to sleep (pronounced low-bow= wolf)

Soooo what do y'all think, is Ericka using Daryl to get over Shane quickly or does she love him yet can't help be in love with Shane still?

Will Shane stop haunting her or is he around cause he knows something is up?

This probably wasn't the best chapter but it leads up to something lol

Forever & Always (Shane Walsh: tragic love book 3) Where stories live. Discover now