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At RR mansion -Started in a room where a couple who are sleeping cuddling with each other, when suddenly the alarm rings and the boy stretch his hand lazily as he off the alarm and then he open his eyes and smile as he saw his wife sleeping in his arm. He kiss her forehead and got up easily without waking her as he went to fresh up. After freshing up, he was readying in his uniform when he saw his wife sitting on the bed and smiling at him. She then got up and hug him from behind as she said good morning Raghav, and he replied good morning pallavi as he turned around and kiss her forehead.
P- why didn't you wake me up
R- oho sweetheart (he wraps his hand around her waist) you look like a cute baby when you're sleeping and I don't wanna disturb your beautiful sleep where you were dreaming about me
P- aha and how did you know I was dreaming about you?
R- of course it have to be me, because I'm your husband na and plus you love me so much na (he winks)
Pallavi then playfully hit his arm and she went in the bathroom to fresh up. Meanwhile Raghav got a call and he is informed to go to the police station.
At breakfast table, pallavi and raghav was sitting and they were having their breakfast.
R- pallavi I got to go to the police station and will be back
He hugged pallavi and kiss her forehead
R- take care sweetheart and yah the driver will take you to your college ok
P- ok (she kisses his cheek)
Raghav left as pallavi went to get her bag and then she left with the driver.
At police station - Raghav arrives and he immediately went in commissioner office where raghav greeted him
C- ACP Raghav Rao are you ready for the next mission
R- yes sir am always ready
C- for this mission you need to change your profession for a while and Farhad and Harish will be with you
R- ok sir but what's this mission about?
Commissioner called Farhad and Harish and they came in the office
C- so I want you 3 to enter in xxxxxx college as I have heard someone is  dealing with drugs and selling them to students, also they are not ordinary people as they have a gang behind this and you guys need to get proof and have to know their intentions
Raghav was happy but at the same time not happy. He look worried and Farhad notice him.
F- Anna are you ok?
R- yea I think we must start this mission soon before it get worst
C- I already talked with the head/principal of the college so you guys can join tomorrow and yah don't use your full name ok
At college - pallavi was sitting in her seat when a girl came and immediately hugged pallavi
P- o god amrutha I can't breathe
A- oops sorry sorry pallavi(she breaks the hug)
One of the professor came in and they went to sit, the professor announced that a new professor is going to be here from tomorrow. Hearing this news everyone was gossiping about the new professor, as they like this professor alot and wonders how will the new professor be.

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