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Started in an unknown place a guy hit the vase with his hand and shouted aaaa, who is he and how did he got to know about my plan when even no one suspect me,
does that mean someone is keeping an eye on me. He then turn around and ask if anyone of you tell anybody about it, everyone said no. Someone then came in and place his hand on the guy shoulder and said why are you so hyper, it's not the first time this happen. Btw your next shipment is coming tomorrow and we need to ask the men to change the goods in another truck after they meet half way because we can't lose the goods again this time, I still don't have any idea who dare to burn our trucks with the goods.
Meanwhile raghav arrives at the police station where he found Farhad waiting for him, Farhad gives him a file and Farhad said this is all we could find on him and raghav read it. Raghav then closed his eyes as he ran his hand through his hair, and said to call up other police stations and ask if anyone has any file regarding Sandeep Ready(btw that's the tattoo guy name)😉
Farhad calls and he got information from one of the officer
Farhad- Anna one of them said that he was involved in kidnapping and murder cases before but he got bail as he threaten them and plus he destroys his information.
Raghav- mm sounds interesting, come on let's meet the commissioner sir
And they then went to meet the commissioner.
Com- hey Raghav and Farhad come in
Raghav- sir we found out that a guy by the name of Sandeep Ready is in the college and he mostly deals with all illegal work
Com- mm keep an eye on him because you don't know if he works for someone or not, I mean if he work for someone we need to reach him na and that too through Sandeep
Raghav- yup sir I understand
At college - pallavi, Keerthi and amrutha are having a good time with each other in the canteen as it was break. After sometime the bell rang and they went to their class, when pallavi was walking she collided into someone and when she look up she saw ved who was smiling at her. Pallavi ignore him and was about to walk away when ved pulls him in a corner
Pallavi- sir what are you doing
Ved- I wanna talk with you
Pallavi- but I don't wanna talk so leave me
Ved- not so easily
Pallavi- well sorry to do this
She kick him and she moves away leaving ved looking at her with shock
Ved- damn this isn't easy ved she even know to fight wow but this kick of yours will not be good, these times I'm trying to be sweet to u but no
Just then someone tap ved shoulder and he saw farhad
Farhad- I'm warning you again if I saw you again next to her I'll kill you
Ved- who is she to you
Farhad- I don't think I need to tell you that
And Farhad left from there leaving ved looking at his leaving figure as ved punch the wall
Farhad had search for every details of ved since the party incident but he got none and he said to himself that's this is weird and have to figure out what he is up to and he will keep his eye on him
Btw he didn't want to tell raghav as raghav is already stress due to the case, and plus he can handle it alone 😁

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