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Started with pallavi and amrutha who just arrives home, well both came to pallavi home. Pallavi saw the house empty so she already had an idea that the boys  must be out somewhere.
So she and amrutha decided to watch movies and have a girl time since boys wasn't home.
They grin at each other.
Here ved men is being beaten by Farhad and Sid whereas ved is being beaten by Raghav, after some time ved started beating Raghav after ved tricked him. But this was seen by Sid and Sid came and started hitting ved. Raghav got up as he was laying on the floor and went to hit the other men along with Farhad.
So meanwhile pallavi and amrutha was watching a movie as they were talking and having a good time when pallavi was feeling little restless but she chucked the feeling off. She began seeing the movie again but again feel a little restless and this time it was seen by amrutha
Amrutha- pallavi are you ok
Pallavi- yah I'm ok
Amrutha- but it doesn't like that
Pallavi sigh and said- mm nothing just feeling little bit not ok, but I'm ok come one let's watch the movie before the guys came home
Here Sid was trying to get hold of ved but he ran away after his men was around Raghav, Farhad and Sid.
Here after ved ran away he called someone and soon smirk
While raghav and farhad along with Sid is finishing off those guys, while fighting Sid signal Raghav to follow ved as he and Farhad will take care of them and raghav nodded and ran after ved.
Here pallavi off the tv and look at the time and saw it was lunch and they hadn't cook as they were busy together lol.
Pallavi and amrutha decided to go to the closest restaurant which was just a small distance away from home.
So they decide to walk and they saw a stand selling Pani puri/think of any kind of food haha. Well they choose to eat that first then their meal.
Amrutha pull pallavi and they both went and ordered as they eat.
As normal pallavi took a spicy one, and amrutha a less spicy one. Amrutha decided to taste pallavi one but couldn't handle it which makes pallavi laugh.
Amrutha saw a kid who was in the middle of the road and a car was coming from a distance.
Raghav had saw ved and smirk, but soon he saw a policeman and ved shaking hands, Raghav hide to listen their conversation and was shock as all the proofs against ved was there, Raghav saw ved shot the man after he collect the file.
Raghav pulled out his gun and fired a shot on ved hand which makes the file fall to the ground, Raghav ran and he started hitting ved. Now ved one hand is been shot and is fighting with the other but failed. Raghav finally caught him and pointed his gun on ved head and before he could fire a bullet hit on ved and he started bleeding on his heart since the Bullet pass his heart, ved put his hand on his heart with eyes open wide, well he is shock.

Any idea who shot ved?

Oh oh guys guys this is supposed to be 28 not 27 sorry 😔

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