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Started with abhi who locked the men inside of the same room where pallavi was tied and he hold pallavi hand and went outside silently without making noise.
Meanwhile Raghav told his men to look around as they found some doors so they all took their position as they enter the rooms. Most of the rooms were vacant and they were no guards, however as they were walking Raghav saw that the guards was sitting and playing cards so he told Farhad and others to look as they quietly goes and hit them, some were shot and so on. They search the whole building but none  of them saw pallavi there. Raghav was wondering where might be pallavi, he kicks the wall with his foot as he can't able to find her, but soon they heard a noise, when they look they were shock as the floor open from bottom as it look like a secret floor underground. Raghav then went near it and saw people running with guns in their hand, however he wasn't able to see anything else so Farhad tells him that a ladder is there so they went down the ladder and follow those people.
Pallavi is behind abhi as abhi was killing those men, he saw one of the men was calling his boss and abhi took out a knife from his boot and throws it which directly stab him on his chest making the man went down on his knee in pain and the phone fell down.
While he was fighting one of the man took pallavi away from abhi, and place the knife on her neck but pallavi was able to come out of his hold as she remember Raghav learning her some moves how to dodge from those stuff and abhi immediately hug her and hid her again. Pallavi didn't know why but she was feeling safe in his arms.
They then heard bullet firing and when they look they saw police along with raghav, seeing raghav both abhi and pallavi smile. Abhi told pallavi to go with raghav and others but pallavi didn't want to leave as she knew the others who are alive will kill him
So she tell Raghav to save him, and raghav did and soon all went out of the building. The police held abhi and went with him along with Farhad as Raghav left with pallavi to their home. After Raghav dropped pallavi and he entered the building he couldn't stop himself, he immediately hugged her and kissed all over her face
Raghav- I'm sorry I shouldn't have left u alone to go
Pallavi knew what's gonna happen next so she kissed him to shut him up
Pallavi- it's not your fault and see I'm fine na
Raghav hugs her again not leaving her for a minute
After sometimes Raghav phone rings and it was Farhad, he answer it and told to bring abhi at his home. He then pecked pallavi forehead and told her to fresh up
Farhad was with abhi in Farhad car when Farhad phone ring, he smiled and answer it
Farhad- sorry actually I was busy with some work and couldn't answer
Caller- oho Farhad it's ok I understand
Farhad- hey actually I'm driving I'll call later ok cya
Soon they reach at their home and Farhad lead abhi to Raghav who was waiting in the hall.
Actually pallavi is asleep, so Raghav told abhi to sit and abhi did and was just looking at Raghav.

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