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Started with pallavi, Raghav and farhad at home. They were sitting on the couch in the hall
Raghav - farhad wouldn't you stop eating that chips now
Farhad - Anna do u want? If not then please don't disturb me I'm hungry
Pallavi hit farhad head and said you just had your dinner na
Farhad- so what you know I love my food na
Pallavi - oh by the way love remember me what's happening between you and amrutha 🤨
Raghav - wait what
Farhad- nothing happen, did you see anything happen?
Pallavi - you're right I wonder who is talking in class even when professor is teaching us and all time is with her
Raghav- farhad come on tell what's happening as he raised his eyebrows
Farhad scratch his head and said Anna actually I have some work to do
Farhad was about to get up but Raghav pull him back
Farhad- fine actually she is my friend
Raghav-really she is cute na
Farhad-  yah she is cute and beautiful 😍( he is lost in her world now)
Raghvi is just looking at farhad seeing him lost, pallavi cough and Raghav smirk
Farhad took the cushion from the couch and hit Raghav with it and with that both started hitting each other while pallavi saw them and smile as she then lost in some thoughts. Raghav then stopped running and he saw her as she had tears in her eyes and he came and sit next to her, he side hug her as he took her in his embrace and she look up at him and raghav nodded a no and shows her to smile as he knew she was going to cry, but she sniffles
Raghav- missing them aa
Pallavi nodded and raghav hugged her while farhad just admire them
Raghav- you know I don't like when you cry because your tears hurt me 🥺 and see you're not alone I'm always with you, and do you think they will like when you cry aa
Pallavi nodded no and raghav wipes her tears
Raghav-you know you look like a ghost right now
Pallavi- huh you called me a ghost as she pouted
Farhad- Arey bhabhi if you're a ghost, then he fell in love with a ghost na as he wink
They all chuckle
Farhad- bhabhi we are always with you na
Pallavi- I know we are there for each other 🤗
Raghav- so no one is there for me( he faked crying)
Pallavi comes and hug him and then Farhad came and hug both of them
At night in Raghav room, pallavi was looking at the moon through the window and she smile when she found 2 arm snake around her waist and a chin on her shoulder. Well yah it's Raghav lol, she then put her hand on his hand that was around her waist.
Raghav- beautiful na
Pallavi - mmm
Raghav- I mean you're beautiful
Pallavi thinks he meant the moon but actually he meant both moon and her lol
Raghav then turn her around and take her lips in his as they kiss each other. Pallavi then hid herself in raghav chest as he chuckled. They then went and sleep in each other embrace.
It's morning and raghav got up and peck pallavi forehead and pallavi smile and hug his hand closer to her. Raghav smile at pallavi action and caress her hair and take her hand off him and went to fresh up. After that pallavi woke up and saw raghav setting his hair Infront of the mirror and she smile.
At college - everyone is gathered in the auditorium as the professor tells them that today they will start the preparation in the afternoon and seniors along with some professors will be helping. After that they all went to their class, pallavi and amrutha was sitting and chatting with farhad as usual when raghav enters.
Raghav - good morning students
Students - good morning sir
Raghav then started writing on the blackboard when he saw two people talking outside.
Raghav - class copy this I'll be back in a few minutes
Raghav went outside and he saw the man with the tattoo talking with someone but couldn't see their face as their position was such that he couldn't see their face. Before raghav could went up to them they went away giving each other thumbs up which Raghav notice.

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