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Started in college amrutha and pallavi was walking towards the canteen when a girl came from behind and close pallavi eyes with her hand and she sign amrutha not to say who she is
P- Keerthi Keerthi Keerthi, I know it's you so you can take off your hands now
K- damn pallavi can't you lie a bit (they hug each other)
A- mm looks like no one remember me
K- uffo how can I forget you (she hug amrutha too)
They 3 are best friends and yah Keerthi is in another class but their friendship is well known. They went and they took a seat in the canteen when a boy came up to them.
B- hey girls
K- what now
P- do u know him?
K- not much but he bumped into me this morning and made me late for class as he wouldn't stop blaming me for that
B- it was your fault only and by the way I'm sunny
K- we didn't ask for your name and it was your fault
P- Arey calm down Keerthi
S- wow nice voice btw what's your name beautiful
P- umm I know my voice is nice and I don't think I need to tell my name
A- ouch that hurts (as she tried to stifled her laughter)
Sunny give them a death glare and was about to say something when his phone rings and he went from there as he answer the call and pallavi,amrutha and Keerthi burst out laughing.
After college - pallavi went home with her driver and after a time she went to prepare dinner and as she was preparing dinner 2 arms wrapped around her waist and she smiled
P- Raghav I need to complete making the dinner so please don't disturb me
R- really sweetheart (and he place his face in the crook of her neck)
Making pallavi unwrapped his hand but Raghav pulled her closer when they heard someone cough and pallavi immediately free herself from Raghav
R- Farhad can't you wait outside little
F- Anna you have the whole night to romance with bhabhi but right now I'm hungry(he laugh and ran outside)
Raghav scratched his neckback and left pallavi to complete making dinner
At breakfast table - Raghav, Farhad and pallavi was sitting and having their dinner
P- btw Farhad why did you left so early this morning 🤨
F- oho bhabhi being a police man wife, you itself is turning one, actually I went out for some work with Harish
P- are you sure work or something else
F- bhabhi it's nothing what you're thinking ok
P- what am I thinking tho
F- uhh bhabhi nothing I'm hungry let's eat na
R- oho why are you troubling him
Pallavi stifled her laughter seeing Farhad expression and they started eating their food
P- btw I heard you got a new mission what's it about
R- oh yah it's about drugs
P- mm ok all the best for your new mission my officer husband (she giggles)
Meanwhile Raghav in his mind(should I tell her that I'm gonna enter as the professor in their college, no no I think I should surprise her tomorrow that's better)
After that they went to their room, actually Farhad lives with them. Raghav was laying on the bed when pallavi came out of the bathroom and then came and lay beside Raghav, Raghav immediately pulled her closer and she rest her head on his chest and his hand wrapped around her waist and they went to sleep

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