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Started with raghav, farhad and pallavi arrives home, pallavi went upstairs to fresh up while farhad was with raghav. Farhad- Anna did you caught him?
Raghav- na he ran away
Flashback (Raghav was walking around the party looking at everyone to see if he can notice anyone. However he saw someone which was the tattoo guy, raghav followed him by not making the guy saw him. Raghav was shocked when he saw a set of packets which consist drugs, the guy take it to the area where the drinks were. However Raghav tied a hand kerchief on his face and came up to him and pulled him out as Raghav tell his men/police officer to handle those stuff. However another guy came from behind and start hitting Raghav but Raghav then turned around and saw both of them looking at each other with a smirk.
Btw both wore mask also.
Raghav then hit the second guy and before he could reach the first guy he went away but before he left he shot the second guy as he knew he will tell raghav about them. Raghav tell is officer to run behind that guy who went away as he told Harish to take the injured guy to the hospital as he might be useful. And they sent some police to guard the hospital also. And then after that he went inside the party)
Sorry guys but am gonna skip the party part🥺
It was night and Raghav went to his room where he found pallavi Infront of the mirror as she was tying her hair in a ponytail, he went and hug her as he nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck. Suddenly Raghav got a call and he saw the caller and he kiss pallavi forehead and he came out of the room and answer it, the caller told him that the guy who ran away has escape. Raghav sigh and said okk and he then remember something and went up to pallavi and ask pallavi if she can draw something for him as pallavi likes to draw. Pallavi immediately accept it and raghav tells her how it should be while she draw, after 3 try she got it and pallavi saw it and she was shocked. Btw she draw the tattoo.
Pallavi - Raghav I saw this somewhere
Raghav- are you sure?
Pallavi thinks for a while and tell Raghav and hearing her answer Raghav was shocked and raghav kissed her forehead and tell her to sleep now. Raghav hugged her and he messaged Farhad to meet him outside of his room as after pallavi slept he came out of her grip and went outside, he then told Farhad about it and he told farhad that he wants every details of him although he ran through all his details already but found nothing suspicious. They then talked for a while and they headed towards their room.
It's morning and it was no college day and pallavi woke up and saw Raghav sleeping, she smile and peck his cheek and she was about to get up but Raghav hold on her tighten and she smile and snuggle more into his chest and close her eyes again. After sometime Raghav woke up and saw pallavi snuggling into him and she peck her forehead and untangle himself from her and went to fresh up.
Meanwhile farhad is in the kitchen making breakfast and he set up the dining table when he saw raghvi coming down the stairs and they went and sit as they began eating.
As Raghav was eating he got a call and he excuse himself as he answer the call
Caller: sir the guy is dead, and our officers are injured
Raghav- ooh oh I thought it's gonna be useful for us to got some information from him, mm  ok get the officers to get treatment
After some talking he went and join them for breakfast again
Raghav in mind (mm you even killed that guy because you think he will tell your secret tch tch you may hide now but not for long as no one can hide from the raghav Rao)

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