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Started with raghav who went up to pallavi as he know what is gonna happen, and as expected pallavi bursted out crying which makes Raghav heart ache as he can't see her crying.
He took her in his embrace as she hugged him tight, seeing this Sid and Farhad also have tears in his eyes.
Sid remember how she use to hop on him whenever she saw him
After sometime pallavi stopped crying and Sid came up to them and touch pallavi shoulder,
Pallavi started remembering the flashback when he heard those doctor pronouncing them dead and then remembers Sid telling Raghav the past
Pallavi- are you really my siddu
She ask as she tighten the hug on raghav
Sid was broken when he heard that
Sid- babydoll yes it's me, he choked at his words
Soon Raghav felt weight upon him and he look to see pallavi who was unconscious, he panic
Raghav- Farhad call the doctor now
Farhad hurriedly called the doctor as Raghav lift pallavi and placed her on the bed, all had tears in their eyes.
After some time Raghav notice that doctors isn't there yet
Raghav-where the hell is this doctor
At the same time doctor walks in and went directly to pallavi to check her.
The doctor checked her and told Raghav and others that she fainted due to stress, Farhad then led the doctor out.
After sometime pallavi open her eyes and saw Raghav, Farhad and Sid sitting around her, she immediately hug Sid and cried
Pallavi- I hate you i hate u siddu, I thought you went away too
Sid chuckle with tears- but I love you babydoll
Both cried in each other arms and raghav and farhad was about to leave the bro and sis alone but pallavi tell them to stay and all started talking with each other
It was dinner when the door bell rang and raghav went to open the door and he saw amrutha standing there and she frown seeing raghav but smile at him, Raghav led her inside.
Amrutha came in and saw pallavi who was coming out of the kitchen and she hugs her and Farhad was just looking at amrutha with a question look because she didn't tell him she is coming.
Pallavi saw him and chuckle
Pallavi- what happen Farhad
Pallavi laughs- how can I not invite my bestie after all she found her life partner which makes both Farhad and amrutha blushed.
Hearing this siddu and raghav look at farhad with a teasing smile.
And yes in this few hours they bond well with each other.
Pallavi knew what was going on between those two Boyz head and she glare at them.
They all have their dinner and then pallavi and amrutha was sitting and talking while the Boyz was talking with each other.
Pallavi - wo amrutha I need to tell you something
Amrutha - tell even I wanna tell something as she eye Raghav who was talking with the boys although she was happy for her friend so as pallavi
Pallavi - actuallyiammarriedtoraghav
Amrutha- Arey if you speak Chinese how will I understand
Pallavi - I wanna tell that I am married and the person is no other than Raghav
She said that in a go closing her eyes
Amrutha was about to say something but then realized what she said And scream WHAT making the boys and pallavi jump.

How's it going guys 😅

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