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It was soon night and raghav and pallavi is in their room on their bed, raghav was talking to her while playing with her fingers as pallavi head was on his chest.
Then pallavi saw the calendar that was on the side table, Raghav didn't heard her replying to him when he was talking to her so he look at her and saw her staring at the calendar and she has tears in her eyes.
Raghav caressed her hair and she snuggle more in his chest and raghav said don't cry they wouldn't like if you cry na. Pallavi remembers about this date
Flashback - it was five years back when pallavi was at home waiting for her parents and brother, she was waiting and waiting but didn't see them so she decided to go to her father office also. She told her uncle and she went taking a driver, she tried to call but none answer which makes her worried. When she reach the office she didn't saw them but then she heard her phone rang and it was an unknown number and she dropped her phone when she heard the caller saying
Called: hello please come to ........ Hospital
The person who the phone belong to is badly injured
Well the person called pallavi because there was many miss call
Pallavi immediately ran out and ask the driver to go to the hospital, she went in the hospital when the car stopped and ask the receptionist, near the receptionist was the person who called her and the person was the one who brought them to the hospital.
He make sure that it was pallavi who answer him , and He showed pallavi there room and at the same time the doctor declare that none of them was alive. Her uncle who heard this news came to the hospital and couldn't see her niece in that state.
Present - Raghav knew this day was the hardest for her, he lift her and take her to the washroom and made her stand and wipe her tears
Raghav- said baby you know I hate your tears, and did you think your parents or bro would like you to cry huh.
She nodded her head no
Raghav said come let's fresh up and then will go to the temple as it was a routine of her offering prayers for her family on this day. He took her and help her to fresh up and made her get ready, they then came down and saw that Farhad was setting the dining table. Farhad look to see pallavi and he knew she cried, so he said bhabhi come and he hugged her making Raghav glared at him
Raghav- oye she is mine
And he pulled pallavi to him(btw they are trying to make her smile)
Farhad - Arey Anna I know and she is like my sister right bhabhi
Raghav- sister huh and plus you calling her bhabhi🤨 you got your girlfriend don't forget that
Pallavi smile and said ok enough I know what you guys trying to do and they all hugged each other.
After breakfast Raghav got a call and he had to leave, he doesn't want to leave her  alone and on this day especially but is helpless as he got some clue about sunny and pallavi understand him.
Farhad was trying to find some clue about vedant, because since the party day he is seeing that he coming close to pallavi. But he found that ved was not seen in college for the past few days .
After some time Raghav call Farhad and told him to take pallavi with him to the temple and told that he will join her soon as he has some work,
unaware of the upcoming storm that is coming there way.

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