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One day Raghav was sick and didn't woke up early like he use to, and pallavi was in the kitchen as normal preparing coffee.
Well don't forget that she stays at their home ok and in these week she made a bond with them
So yah Raghav and Farhad loves her coffee and it's the first thing in the morning they ask for, her coffee. She was surprised to see only farhad coming down
Pallavi- arey Farhad where is Raghav
Farhad- wait didn't he came down
Pallavi- no
Farhad- maybe sleeping then
Pallavi- but he doesn't sleep so late
Saying so pallavi went upstairs to Raghav room and saw him snuggling in his blanket, so she went up and when she touch him she could feel that his temperature was high so she called Farhad to come upstairs.
Farhad came and saw that she was trying to wake Raghav up since he need to take medicine and so on.
Farhad chuckle seeing her not able to wake him up as Raghav was hugging pallavi hand and was sleeping peacefully as if it was his pillow he was hugging.
Pallavi glare Farhad and Farhad came and help her.
Finally after some try Raghav opens his eye only to find a worried pallavi and Farhad looking at him.
Raghav- what happened guys
Pallavi hit Raghav shoulder
Pallavi- you're asking us what happened aa
Before Raghav could say anything Farhad said come on you need to fresh up and have something to eat and then take your medicine and then you can sleep ok.
Raghav sigh and was about to refuse but seeing pallavi glare he went like a good boy.
Farhad starts singing a song making pallavi blush and raghav glare at him. And this blush was seen by Raghav
Raghav fresh up and came out and sat in the bed only to find pallavi waiting for him with breakfast and a cup of tea/milk.
Pallavi fed Raghav making him smile and after he finish eating, Raghav pulled her and made her fell on his lap.
Raghav- did you just blush
Pallavi- I didn't blush just now
Raghav- I mean when Farhad you know
Pallavi- blu..blush noo
Raghav- don't lie na(he said cutely)
Raghav then remember that she will be leaving in a few days which makes him sad
Pallavi was about to get up when Raghav said you know I like you
Pallavi immediately look up at him, Raghav smile and take her hand in his hand.
Raghav- you know i wasn't a guy who talks much with girls, but that day na after seeing you in your home.......
You know when we were neighbors, I use to see you there everyday, my day use to starts by seeing your face and night the same.
Raghav took her hand and place it on his heart
This heart at that same time when I saw you kept beating so fast and I couldn't take my eyes off you. Even though I couldn't see you that properly but i remember your face.
I know you'll be leaving since you have already found an apartment but now I am asking you will you be my forever, I need you with me, besides me every day in my life.
Pallavi look at him and nodded with a shy smile and that's when they heard a whistle and they look to see it was Farhad.
Farhad- wah after so long finally you confess so now I can complete my word right bhabhi
Hearing this both raghvi blush
Raghav felt a movement and look to see pallavi looking at him, he peck her lips
Raghav- didn't you sleep
Pallavi- how can I when you're in deep thoughts aa
Raghav chuckle- it's nothing baby just thinking about....
Pallavi-I know I know (she giggle), now come let's sleep na
Hearing this Raghav smile taking pallavi in his arms holding her and protecting her from all evils.
End 😊

Btw guys I'm ending this here 🥰
Hope u enjoyed it 😊

-Amru ❤️

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