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Started with raghav sitting in the canteen lost in thought when farhad came and tap in his shoulder. Raghav made him sit.
Farhad - sirrrrr where are you lost aa, I think it's related to bhabhi
Raghav- please stop your teasing and listen to me
Farhad found the seriousness in his voice so he stayed quiet
Raghav-  we will discuss it in our secret place along with Harish I'll be waiting
Raghav- when you have your lunch break then
Farhad- ok then will be there
They then continue talking until it's break(short break not lunch) as it wasn't long before break
Then pallavi, amrutha and Keerthi came in the canteen. Raghav saw pallavi and wink at her and she blushed which makes Raghav chuckle but he covered it up with his smirk
(these things were notice by amrutha)
Amrutha- pallavi what was that
Pallavi- what was what
Amrutha- whats going on between you and raghav sir 🤨
Pallavi- wh.. what, have you lost it?
Amrutha- I saw him winking at you just now and you was blushing
Keerthi- omg pallavi is it true( she ask in an exited tone)
Pallavi- Arey what's true Yar I can't understand anything, and stop with your talking let's go and eat something before the bell rang
And that's it by hearing that they forget what they were asking pallavi and she thank God for that
Soon the bell rang and it was time for their class and it was Raghav class and amrutha saw Raghav smiling as he looks at pallavi, now her full intention is on Raghav now😂 as she wants to know what's happening between Raghav and pallavi.
Pallavi- why are you staring at Raghav sir
Amrutha- are you jealous
Pallavi- why would I be jealous
Amrutha- like you don't know, I know you loves him, don't lie and I can see that he loves you too because look he is staring at you right now
Pallavi hit amrutha forehead and tell her to concentrate on the work before Raghav put them out of class for talking
Amrutha- I bet he wouldn't do that (she whispered to herself)
Pallavi- did you say something
Amrutha- no no let's focus on our work
At lunch break, Raghav, farhad and Harish is at their spot and they were discussing something with each other

Meanwhile at college ved comes up to pallavi them and ask if he can join them. Pallavi immediately said no
Ved- actually I'm sorry about last time
Pallavi- really? Do I look like a fool
Ved-god girl it was a mistake but you slapped me Infront if everyone who was in the canteen
Amrutha-sir actually we are finish eating now and is going so if you want you can sit here
All girls get up and ved was just looking at them especially pallavi
However college was over and seniors stay back as well as professors as they will be doing the preparation. Raghav and farhad along with Harish was with them also. After that they all went home.
Pallavi, Raghav and Farhad is having their dinner.
Raghav- pallavi wear that dress I brought you last month which you didn't wear ok
Pallavi- smile sheepishly, actually I was thinking the same
Farhad- bhabhi don't worry you look good in anything
Pallavi blush and raghav glared at farhad
Farhad chuckle at Raghav expression
They continue talking and they had their dinner and then they leave to their room.
Its morning and raghav woke up and saw pallavi wiping her hair with a towel and he get up and hugged her from behind as he started giving her wet kisses on her neck as he nuzzled his face in her neck. Pallavi- Raghav go and fresh up na
Raghav- hmm
But Raghav still continue nuzzles in her neck as he ignore her word, pallavi knew he wouldn't leave and even if she pushed him he wouldn't. So she then pinch him and raghav screamed and pallavi ran out of his hold and tell him to fresh up as she is going to make breakfast. Before Raghav went inside the bathroom pallavi came back and give him a kiss on his cheek and said go now and he smiled

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