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Started in college, it was time for Raghav to teach his class which was none other than pallavi class, he went in and greet everyone. He could see that pallavi was still in pain which makes his heart pain as he couldn't see her in pain
Raghav- pallavi you're not well so you can rest while I teach the others but make sure you copy your notes
And with that he continue teaching the other students but his mind was on pallavi.
After college Raghav went to pallavi class
Raghav- how are you now
Pallavi- mm ok ish
Raghav sigh and he and pallavi went in his car and they went and sit, Raghav on the driver seat and pallavi next to him. Pallavi rested her head on his shoulder and he place his one hand on her head caressing her hair as he drives with the other hand.
It's night and At raghvi home- Raghav was putting water bag on pallavi stomach as he can't bear her having pain and soon he saw that she has slept already, Raghav caress her hair and peck her forehead.
Raghav then came out of the room telling Farhad who was in his(farhad,) room that he is going out and to take care of pallavi as he will be back in some time.
Raghav then took out his phone and call someone and he got to know about the shipment of the drugs which is already done
Raghav left and as he meet the place he waited in an area where the truck will definitely pass as he wants to caught the person so that he can got more information about them. He saw the truck coming closer to where he was and he told his officer to he alert but when they were about to stop the truck, the truck blasted and from a far away distance Raghav saw a guy running away but it looks like the guy didn't knew police will be there or maybe he knew (idk) and before Raghav could ran behind the guy, he ran away and raghav pulls his hair as he misses the chance but he is sure that someone else might be targeting Sandeep. He then check for clue and got the driver license which was in his wallet and wasn't burn as it fell off. He then went to the police station and told Harish who was waiting for him to find information about the driver and he was trying to find out who was the person who ran away.
Raghav in mind(did he blast the truck? Or he was with them?) He had numerous questions going in his mind but he however left to his home and after he reach at his home he went and fresh up as he lay on the bed and pallavi snuggle more in him and he smile and he peck her forehead and his mind was on who was the person. He kept thinking until sleep took over him.
It's morning and raghav woke up and peck pallavi forehead and he got up and went to fresh up, after fresh up he came out of the bathroom and saw pallavi woke up and he went up and caresses her hair
Raghav- r u ok now?
Pallavi- mm
Raghav- come on you need to fresh up now
Pallavi lift her hand in the air and raghav Chuckle as he knew what that means, so Raghav lift her and take her to the bathroom leaving her to shower.
After she fresh up and then she came down only to find Raghav and farhad in the kitchen which makes her smile.(Btw anytime she is not well Raghav and farhad will do most of the work😁)

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