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Started with raghav entering his cabin, as he walks in Harish called him and he told Harish to come to his cabin as he is there
After some time Harish came in
Harish- good morning, here is the file with the details
Raghav-good morning harish
Raghav smile and collect the file and started reading it, there he got to know a little more details where the man work so he started off to his next destination.
Meanwhile somewhere around the corner a man was saying something about kidnapping someone as he was talking on the phone. The man give an evil laugh and said soon you'll be mine as he can't wait more longer before someone comes in between.
At college pallavi, Keerthi and amrutha was sitting in pallavi class and they were talking and having fun as it was break. When sunny came up and sat next to them
Sunny- hey girls
Keerthi-can't you leave us alone, don't you understand we don't wanna talk with u
Sunny - that's rude u know
Before he could say anything he got a call, after talking for a while he shouted
Sunny- what the hell who did that
Caller- don't know
This makes sunny more angry and he said that he is coming there now
Raghav arrives back at the police station with a smirk on his face when his phone ping with a message from an unknown number
*Got some bad news for you, your life is in danger. "YOUR LIFE" you know what I mean*
He wonders who is this person, he tries to track the number but in vain as the number is not available, he sat in his chair as the message is playing in his head.
Sunny arrives at his place and was shock and angry as he saw one of his farmhouse burn down, he shouted and ask who did this but none answer which makes him more angrier. But none knows who did it so they didn't answer his question and bend their head
It was night and raghav and pallavi was cuddling with each other when he noticed she was asleep so he peck her forehead and was about to sleep when he open his eyes with a jerk and said MY LIFE, he look at pallavi and remember the message and he said oh shit that means pallavi is in danger but how does that person knows she is his life as when he had confess his love for pallavi he had mentioned that she is his live and without her he is nothing. He didn't know if the message is true but He tighten his hug on her and wonders who is trying to harm her as none knows she is a police man wife, he was fighting his thoughts in his mind until he fell asleep.
It's morning and raghav woke up and saw it was early so he peck her forehead and went to Farhad room when he heard Farhad talking with someone on the phone and smiling and laughing, he called Farhad but he didn't respond. He waited till Farhad cut the fall and when Farhad cut the call and look back he saw Raghav smirking at him along with a teasing smile
Raghav- oho bye bye Ammu
Farhad scratch his head and was about to say something but Raghav remember what he came for
Raghav- Farhad
By hearing his voice farhad know something is wrong
Farhad- yea Anna what happened why you look so worried
Raghav sat on the bed
Raghav- I don't know how to say it , umm actually yesterday I got a message from an unknown number and he show Farhad it
Farhad place his hand on his shoulder
Farhad- is it true tho
Raghav- that's why I'm confused and worried, confused because I don't know if it's true but yea I think it's kind of true because remember the party incident
Raghav- an unknown number texted me also about that
This makes Farhad scared as if it's true now
Farhad- even if it's true we wouldn't let any thing happen to her

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