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Starting with raghav who starts the conversation between abhi and him
Raghav- so I heard that you work for the one who kidnapped my wife but yet you save her
Abhi- yea because I don't hurt innocent people
Raghav- ok I'll come straight to the point and answer me honestly,so who is your boss
Abhi- vedant
Raghav got confused and to clear his doubt abhi continue
Abhi- the one who joins as a professor in college is the one who tried to hurt my baby doll
Raghav-baby doll?
Abhi- I mean pallavi
Raghav- no you said something else just now
Abhi was about to lie but seeing raghav glared he sigh
Abhi- actually I know everything about you, so I'm gonna tell you about me also.
Btw I'm your brother in law
Hearing this Raghav was shocked as he knew pallavi had one brother who died
Abhi continued- I'm not abhi, I'm siddant pallavi brother, I'm also the one who sends messages to you.
Raghav- but if you're her brother then why you hiding it, and yah didn't you died in the accident?
Abhi- no I didn't died but I was actually in coma and to clear your doubts. Did she ever mentioned she seeing our bodies, no right. Because it was all a plan. And before you ask I'm the one alive, our parents are dead.
Abhi got up and turns as he hide his tears and he place his hands in his pant pocket
Abhi- yah I know she misses us and even I miss her, but I have no other ways than to do this.
That day of the accident I was happy as I was returning home after six months especially to see my baby doll. But the brakes of our vehicle failed, dad was trying to control the car and he gave me a flashdrive and some files and told me to jump out of the car and said to save my sister. Before I could say anything my dad pushed me out of the car, my mom was crying so as me and dad. He pushed me and I hit my head on a rock so as my face and before I closed my eyes I could see that the car blast.
Abhi continue with tears running down on his cheek
When I woke up I found myself on the hospital bed, and found that I was in coma for 3 years and even memory loss and a couple who had lost their son had their son face instead of mine. They took care of me and when I regain my memory they gave me the file and the drive that they had collected from the hospital,
There I got to know that ved is obsessed with my sister and he wanted to marry her and threaten dad, I could easily hand over the proofs to the police but I wanted to take revenge for my parents death. I then started looking for my sister and when I found her I heard that she is already married to you, I then started looking for your details and even followed you guys. I saw that babydoll is happy with you so I decided to take my revenge first then I'll tell her my identity because I don't want her to get hurt in this.
Abhi felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Raghav who had tears also and he immediately hug Raghav and bursted out crying when they heard a voice
Voice - siddu
They all look to see pallavi who is crying, and they knew that she heard their conversation

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