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Started with raghav entering the room and he saw pallavi laying on the bed, he walk up and caress her hair as he peck her forehead
Feelings his touch pallavi open her eyes and was worried seeing tears in Raghav eyes, she was about to get up but Raghav said- don't
Pallavi- are you ok why are you crying
That's when she realize that she was in hospital
Raghav- these are happy tears sweetheart he said as he chuckled
Pallavi look confused
Raghav- so soon to be mom, we are soon going to have our little bundle of joy
Pallavi took some time to catch up what he just said and when she realize
Pallavi- really
Raghav nodded
Pallavi placed her hand on his stomach, and raghav placed his hand on her hand that was on her stomach
Raghav- happy aren't we
Saying this he grabbed her lips in his but then they heard throat clearing and raghav groan as he knew it was Sid, Farhad and amrutha, which makes pallavi chuckle.
Here pallavi then snuggle her face in Raghav chest hiding her face which makes Raghav smile.
Pallavi then see amrutha
Pallavi - amrutha you're ok na
Amrutha nodded and said shouldn't I suppose to be the one asking that
Sid -we can take her home today guys, doctor already said it and btw congrats to you both and he hugged them, same goes to Farhad and amrutha
After some time they reached home and was welcome by two new faces which makes them all confused
Sid- I know you all are confused but these two person here is the one who took care of me all these years
Sid went next to pallavi and raghav and introduce all of them
The lady- I had a child and lost him in an accident but then found Sid, and I would like if you guys call me mom too, Sid told me everything about you guys
Yea guys Sid call them mom and dad since they were the one who took care of him and even treated him like a son.
Hearing this everyone was happy and the lady hug Raghav and pallavi as she congrats them.
They then leave Raghav and pallavi to have some privacy in their room as they saw Raghav looking at her.
Raghav immediately hug pallavi as he nuzzle his face in her neck, pallavi caress his hair. She soon felt her neck wet and she had an idea Raghav is crying
Pallavi- Raghav I'm ok now
Raghav look up and lay down as he pulled her closer to him inhaling her scent.
Raghav then place his hand on her stomach and said come soon baby we can't wait, saying so he look at pallavi who snuggle more in his chest as he smile as he remember something.

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