An unhappy birthday

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A bird cries as it glides over the calm water, trying its best to arrive at its home after a long flight.

Not long after the squawk left the beak, the bird hovers over land, passing by trees. The plant color is dulled, as they prepare themselves for the winter to come.

Just moments after reaching land, the bird reaches a town. The houses are made of stone and wood; the only sign of a pathway is the dirt being borne and leading to different buildings. None of the houses are in a row, all are in random places in the town. The size of houses varies as well as the stories each one has.

A large bell strikes, what is it signaling, I cannot tell you, but the townsfolk scurrying about could most likely lend you, their knowledge. The tower which holds the bell resembles a church, and the bell is sounded again, creating another ding from the signal.

Throughout the town, people are either walking or gossiping with one another, a smile placed on their faces at the amusement of bringing another. Small children are skipping along, giggling to themselves, and gifting something to the adults, which brings the latter much joy in their hearts.

The joyful atmosphere doesn't last long though, as a young girl's voice cuts through the chattering. 

"Out of my way!" The voice demands. The owner of the said voice is shown by feet stomping harshly onto the mud and a dress being lifted above the ankles to not soil the fabric.

In the girl's path are children dancing along in a circle, laughing at the fun that they are having until she shoves them away. The children are quickly frightened and disperse to flee from the angered girl.

The girl is quick to push anything in the way, not noticing or caring that other people are watching with fearful eyes and accusing insults on their lips.

An elderly woman exits her house, ready to start the day. The angry girl swiftly walks past the woman, frightening the elder. The woman turns back to her door muttering to herself, "Well, that was enough for me today."

The girl turns over another woman's basket of food, causing her to gasp and shout, "How dare thee!"

"The girl shoves past two men, and her face is finally revealed along with her name which has been uttered by a bystander. "Oh, Winnifred Sanderson."

The townsfolk quickly rush to get out of the angry girl's way while she stomps her way to a small house. With great force, she pushes the door enough to slip into the building before slamming it with a loud bang following the action.

Winnifred rips away the bonnet on her head, showing her red curls forming into two puffs right by one another.

She looks up to see two of her younger sisters, Mary and Sarah, holding a banner with the words "Bless-ed birthe day" skillfully stitched into the cloth. On the table sits an adorable baby girl, y/n, holding tightly on a desert on her lap.

"Surprise!" The two girls shout happily and the baby babbles as if she is trying to repeat the word, showing a gummy smile.

Ignoring the adorable sight her sisters are displaying, Winnifred cries, "This is the worst day of my life!" Her eyes showing tears are about to leave them.

The three sisters' smiles quickly fall as Mary mutters "Uh-oh." Mary and Sarah wrap up the banner and Mary go to put it away. Sarah goes to the side of the table and holds her arms out to y/n. "But, Winnie, look what we have made."

The baby coos as she admires the desert, but her hands remain on the plate holding it. Winnie looks at the food with curiosity, allowing Sarah to continue.

"I discovered if thou doth grind pig's hooves and mix it with water, it creates mysterious goo." She giggles at the sight and y/n joins in, loving her sister's laugh. Sarah goes on and Winnie becomes interested. "Then Mary had the wonderful idea to mix a drop of goat's blood. And look. It jiggleth. Here."

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