A sad departure

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The sisters have returned to the cauldron and are continuing the chanting, ignoring the worrisome increase of lightning happening above them. "Sisters," Winnie calls with a gleeful smile. "It's time. The final incantation."

The women look to the cauldron happily as Winnie whispers, "I call upon the sacred land. To raise the power in my hand. From North, South, East, and West."

The three teens quickly make their way back to the witches. "Come on, we've got to stop them before it's too late!" Becca ushers.

"Underneath this full moonlight, I sacrifice my love tonight." Winnie continues, sparing a glance at the struggling y/n. "And in return, I ask of thee. Magicae Maxima, give to me!" Winnie shouts, her eyes glowing bright purple. A bright beacon shoots from the cauldron into the sky. The same light ripples throughout the forest and the surrounding area seem to be a strong force. The women exclaim giddily while Billy watches in concern. The beacon comes back into the cauldron and thunder rumbles from the sky.

They all take deep breaths, and the glow of Winnie's eyes and Sarah speaks up. "The candle, sisters." She points to the object no longer as a flame on the string in the center of the deformed wax. "The flame is out and yet..." The blonde examines her arms "we are still here." 

The women become a giggling mess and Mary looks to her eldest sister. "Good work, Winnie, really. I mean stellar work." 

Sarah and Mary continue to praise Winnie, who is soaking it all in happily. "Oh, I thank thee. I thank thee, sisters." She bows. "And now we shall never die!" Sarah shouts and the women scream like high school girls. Winnie then turns to y/n, who stares back. "And now, dearest y/n, it is time you join us. First things first, you must tell us about Jinx. He or she seems like a lovely person." She insists. She quickly unbinds the woman, and suddenly casts another spell, causing y/n to dance. Winnie spins y/n around, making her dizzy enough to speak properly.

As the four are dancing, the teens reach them. Winnie notices them and smiles evilly. "Oh, look. Well, well, well." Winnie hands y/n, who is dizzy, to Sarah and she approaches the girls. "The little witch returns with her lackeys. What dost thou want here?" She asks.

"You should've read the warning." Becca starts. "Why? What pearls wouldst Book cast at my feet? I read none!" Winnie shouts at the book. Becca looks at Izzy and continues. "The Power Spell? It takes what you value most."

"Silence!" Winnie snaps. Behind her, y/n looks at Sarah's hands. She quickly holds them up to see them turning to dust. "Sarah?" Y/n asks, concerned for the blonde.

"Thou aren't no witch! Thou art nothing but a silly child! Thou knowest nothing!" Winnie scolds, not seeing that Sarah and Mary are now floating, their bodies turning into sparkly dust.

"Girls?" Y/n calls out louder, trying to grab her sisters' hands. Winnie turns around and gasps sharply, seeing as y/n is following suit. "The wind... is stealing my fingers." Sarah cries, staring at her hands.

Winnie rushes to the girls with a whimper and a horrified look on her face. Winnie quickly grabs and tries to grab y/n's hand, hoping to keep her from floating higher, but fails. She rushes to Mary, who's calling out for her. "Oh, Winnie, please. Please don't, please don't forget about us." She pleas.

Winnie goes back and forth with her three sisters. "Were art goest thou? Wait. Oh, please don't leave me." She begs. Sarah holds out a hand. "Art thou not coming with us?" She asks.

Winnie looks at her hands, seeing she is not having the same reaction as them and she tries to hold back tears. The three floating women reach out to one another. "Fare thee well, my sisters,"  Sarah says and Mary nods. "I love you guys," Y/n tells them, and the two smile. "And we love you, Dearest."

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