So, Cassie is dating a lovable idiot

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The girls and y/n are comforting Mike, whose resting on the steps of the trolly. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"  Y/n asks, rubbing the boy's shoulder. "I'm okay, ma'am," Mike says politely and looks at Becca and Izzy. "I'm gonna go ahead and inference that you're the one responsible for the Sanderson Sisters being alive" He accuses.

Becca scoffs. "Okay. The inference is a noun, not a verb..." Mike is quick to interrupt her. "Who cares, okay? This is why you shouldn't mess around with that witchery." 

"Hey, I don't think she did it on purpose." Cassie defends Becca before looking at her concerningly. "You didn't, right?" She asks.

Becca gives an 'Are you serious look and replies. "Are you kidding me? Of course, I didn't. Gilbert tricked us into lighting the candle." She explains and Izzy nods.

"Gilbert did this?" Cassie asks, surprised by this. "Yeah, it's been kind of a crazy night," Izzy confirms. Becca then glares accusingly at Cassie. "Which you would know if you had been there."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't exactly feel welcome." Cassie retorts. "You know because you guys iced me out." Becca and Izzy look at each other in confusion. "Are you... you ditched us." She sputters.

"What are you talking about? I kept asking you guys to hang out and you would just flake or not respond." Cassie brings up, raising her voice. "Because everything you wanted to do involved Mike and his friends," Becca argues, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, it was like you suddenly had an entourage." Izzy joins in. "And we couldn't hang out with you without having to hang out with... them." Izzy motions to Mike. "I didn't know you guys were mad about that," Cassie says quietly.

Y/n remains quiet, knowing that the girls should let their feelings out, even if there can be damage. "How could you not know?" Becca asks. "Because you didn't tell me," Cassie responds. "Cassie, why would we want to hang out with people that make fun of us?" Becca asks as if it's so obvious.

Mike looks confused. "I don't make fun of you guys." He slowly states. "Yeah, you call us witches and say that we're weird," Becca recalls. "Yeah, because you hang out in magic stores and always carry around colorful rocks. And I think it's weird, but I don't make fun of you guys."

Becca opens her mouth, but y/n holds up a hand. "I got this." She says and leans down to the boy's level. "Okay, so pointing out people's differences and saying they're weird is making fun of them." She explains and the boy's eyes widen in realization. "Whoa."

"Did you, like, really not know that?" Izzy asks. "No. I thought I was just making conversation." Mike confesses. "I've got so many people to apologize to." He says and y/n pats his shoulder.  "Just make sure you let them know you mean it." She advises the boy, who nods.

A car pulls into Traske's driveway, and they see that it's the mayor. The girls run, begging the man to stop until Izzy goes to grab something in the trolly. 

The garage door opens, and the sisters look to see the car light shining on them and they scream. "The sun! Oh no, I don't wanna die!"

The lights go off and the mayor gets out, confused by this. The women glower at the sight of the man. "You." Winnie hisses and takes a step toward the man, pointing at him. "Hello." He greets them with a muddled smile.  "Sorry. Cassie's party is over. It's time to go home. Yeah." He takes a closer look at the women. "It's an older crowd than I expected."

The women restlessly circle each other, not taking their eyes off the man. "You're the Sanderson Sisters, right?" The man asks. "Incredible costumes. You guys look amazing." He compliments.

"Oh, sew up your lips, you pious, pompous, dunderhead." Winnie quickly insults the man who laughs. "Okay, we're giving a performance now. I love the commitment. I love the resting witch face. Do you want me to play along? I can play the Reverend, you know." He then gives a holier-than-thou look. "I hate the Sanderson Sisters." He says in a low voice.

The women growl and Winnie holds her arms out in front of the younger ones. The mayor chuckles softly and he breaks character. "Nah, that wasn't great. By the way, I'm not being a very good host. I haven't even formally introduced myself." The man goes to approach the witches with an outstretched hand until Cassie shout, "Dad, wait!" The man looks to see the teenage girls and y/n rush over to him.

"Oh. Another little Traske. The bloodline continues." Winnie laughs. "Who are these women?" The mayor asks and walks over to use. 

"What a cruel world." Winnie cries. "We finally have the blood on the nary of our nostrils, yet we are trapped in salt, like a slab of corned beef.

As Cassie tries to explain, Izzy tries to make another circle of salt until Traske yells. "Stop! Whatever this is, I'm in no mood. I've had an awful day, do you know that?" He asks, showing he's about to unravel. "God knows what kind of unchaperoned house party you were throwing in there and then I come home to like the gothic Golden Girls in my garage. What the heck? This has been a very bad Halloween."

"Well, at least you got your caramel apple, right?" Izzy asks with a weak smile. This cracks the mayor. "Oh, okay. Actually, I didn't, because after mine was stolen, I went back, and Sandy had given away all of her apples. Which I think is really unprofessional, right? So, I didn't get an apple, so then I went to some Walgreens who turned out their lights. Which makes no sense. What Walgreens turns out their lights?" In the middle of his rant, he reaches into his jacket pocket. "Okay? But you know what I got? You know what I got in the dark?" He pulls out a poor-looking candy apple. "This pathetic thing, this. Look at this. I don't even know if there's even an apple in there. No, this is probably a caramel-covered matzah ball for all I know. But, you know what? I'm gonna eat it and I'm gonna like it!"

Before the man can walk into his house, y/n snatches the apple. "No, you are not! You have done so much for this town, you deserve better." She then smiles. "Which is why I got you something." She then reaches behind the confused man's ear and pulls out a certain candy apple that makes the man gasp and looks at the treat with wide eyes.

"The Haunted Horror Happy Halloween Heaven Candy Apple. Sandy only makes one of them every year." Traske recites the name, his voice nearly breaking with joy as he carefully takes it into his hands. "How?" He asks and y/n shrugs. "I knew Sandy when she lived here. She owed me a favor and I cashed it in." She explains.

The mayor grips her into a tight hug, sobbing thank you over and over. She laughs and whispers something into the man's ear. "Oh, Cassie. You're ungrounded." He says and runs into his house. Cassie hugs the older woman, and she asks, "How did you convince him?"

"Oh, I just told him that you're a teenager and I'm sure you've learned your lesson," Y/n explains. "Come on, let's go check on your boyfriend." She ushers and the girls agree.

With the witches, they continue crying as they circle all huddled together. Mary looks outside and notices her broomies are rolling toward them. "Winnie, look." She speaks up, pointing to them. "I cannot," Winnie says, wiping her eyes. "My eyes have misted over with the tragic tears of a lifetime of failure."

"Looky, my broomies. They hate mess. Do you see this?" Mary points. She motions them to her. "Come to momma. Oh, come on." The broomies quickly suck up the salt, freeing the witches.

The girls and y/n reach the trolly as they laugh. "Thanks again for helping me out, Auntie," Cassie says. "So what should we do about the Sanderson Sister?" Becca asks. "We'll have to watch them until sunrise." Izzy nods. "I can tell my mom we're staying at Cassie's place. She misses the both of you."

"Aw, Susan." Both Cassie and y/n smile at the memory of the sweet mother.

Suddenly, Cassie gets snatched and is flying in the air by Winnie, who's cackling happily. Izzy, Becca, and y/n run after, holding their hands out, screaming no as they hear Cassie calling for help. As the witches disappear in the fog, Becca's hands begin to glow a bright blue with electricity running out.

"What was that?" Izzy asks Becca, who's staring at her hands. "I-i don't know." She stammers. Y/n gently takes Becca's hands into her own. "It's okay. It comes as a shock, but we can talk once we get Cassie back." She assures before turning and pointing at Mike. "You, go home, get a warm drink and some snacks, and turn on a movie that calms you down." She orders. and runs off with the girls.

(How do you guys feel about 2 endings? I'm stuck between the ones I have in mind and feel like doing it.) Edit: got an idea!

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