Trapped in salt

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As y/n and the girls hide in the garage. The door inside the house swings open and the three witches enter the room. "I smell children... and a woman. " Mary sings. Her eyes land on one of the girls' feet and she taps her eldest sister's shoes. "Winnie lookie."

Winnie sees the feet and she lights up. "Oh, well if it isn't... what's her name again?" She whispers the question. "Shishka-baby? Shishka..." Mary tries to figure it out. "Edward, Edward," Sarah says while pointing to the hider. 

Becca walks out of her spot as Winnie asks incredulously, "How could it possibly be Edward, you silly woman?"

"It's Becca." The teen informs them. Winnie returns her attention to Becca showing herself and smiles coyly. "Well, goodbye, Becca."

"Wait, wait, wait!" She ushers. Winnie freezes and her smile drops, showing that she's listening. "You need the juice of an Aralia berry for your spell, right?" Becca asks. Winnie becomes interested in this.

Becca then pulls out a water bottle. "Well, this is all the Aralia juice in Salem." Winnie pulls down her hand and she glares in suspicion. "Let me out of here, alive, or I will pour it out." To show that she's not bluffing, she begins to tip the bottle. 

Winnie hisses at this. "Why art thou such a pest?" She angrily hisses as Becca and the three circle. "Dost thou should die for Salem? What has Salem ever done for thee?" She asks.

"No one in Salem has ever tried to kill my friends." She counters. "Oh, lay thy burden down." Winnie tuts. "Tis unattractive to hold a grudge."

"You've literally held a grudge for centuries." Becca brings up. "Why not? That tyrannical Traske tried taking my sisters when y/n was just a babe!" Winnie side hugs Mary and Sarah before launching to Becca. "Now give me that Aralia juice!" She demands.

"Now!" Becca shouts, confusing the witch. Izzy and Cassie show themselves and pour salt around them, and the women think they're under attack, screaming in agony. Once done, the two stand side by side of Becca. Winnie glowers at Becca and attempts to zap the girls, but the salt counters the attack.

The girls yelp at the sudden light hitting their eyes. Winnie tries again but fails. The women look to one another in confusion, wondering what's going on.

"A circle of salt is known to protect one from zombies, evil witches, and..." She trails off and the three teenagers finish happily, "Old partners!"

Y/n looks to the women and explains further. "Salt wards off dark magic. Seeing as you're basically dark magic in human form, you're trapped." Winnie glares and straightens herself. "Impossible!" She says with confidence.

Winnie goes to take a step out the circle, but she quickly backs up and shoves Sarah forward, where she seemed to be smushed into nothing. Sarah stumbles back and the other two gasp at this. Winnie repeats the action and gets the same results.

Becca drinks from the water bottle and the witches panic, begging her to stop. Becca swallows and holds out the bottle. "Oh, this?  Oh, no, this is just water. You've been tricked by teenagers and another witch." She smugly remarks.

Sarah lights up and turns to her older sisters. "Let, let us bewitch them with song. And we will lure them into setting us free." She offers. Mary agrees and the two work on trying to figure how they should sing. Y/n and the girls run off, but y/n stops and turns to Winnie. "Just to make things clear, I've never hated you." She then goes and joins the girls.

Winnie's eyes are wide by her sister's words, and her heart feel lighter, but she snaps back when she hears that her other sisters are still trying to sing. "Stop it!" She barks. She then glares at Sarah. "Next, do not tell people we wish to bewitch, that we are about to bewitch them!" Sarah looks down in shame. "Yes, Winnie." She says silently.

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