Apologies with tears

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Becca gets up into a kneeling position, grunting in pain as she speaks. "You don't want to do this spell." She groans heavily as she begins to stand up. "I know it may not feel like it, but you have a choice."

"And what choice would that be?" Winnie smugly asks, ready to zap the teen again. "She's not talking to you." y/n says, prompting Winnie to look at the book who holds concern in its eye. The book looks back to the two girls. Becca holds her hand out and Winnie scoffs, sure that her book will choose her side until she notices that the book is considering it.

Book gives a sorry look to the witch before flying into Becca's waiting hand. "No, no, no!" Winnie screams at the betrayal. "Run, Becca!" Y/n pleads and the girl bolts into the woods. Winnie takes a few steps but stops and holds her hands over her mouth. She then glares at y/n. "Silence, you." She says, and the youngest's lips seal shut.

A muffled laughter comes from Billy's head as y/n looks over at him with a neutral face.

As Becca runs, Winnie calls out to her sisters. After a few meters, she finds Izzy and Cassie. The three gathers into a tight group hug. "I am so sorry. I should have just told you." Cassie says her voice trembling slightly.

"No, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." Becca retorts.

"You're my best friend."

"No, no, no, but I was the one..."

Izzy then breaks into the conversation. "This is so sweet and I'm happy this is happening right now, but can we please figure out a plan? Those witches have Auntie and Jinx."

Cassie and Becca nod, agreeing with Izzy. The three get on their knees and set the book down on the ground. "Okay. Is there anything that we can do?" Becca asks for the book hopefully.

The book opens up and shows a certain page. "Uh, Magicae Maxima. No, no, no. I'm not- I'm not like Winifred." Becca denies. "I don't- I don't want to be all-powerful. I just want to stop them, okay?"

The book wiggle closer to Becca and Izzy get an idea. "I think it wants you to read the warning." Izzy notices that Cassie looks confused. "Oh, the book is alive, by the way. Don't worry, we'll catch you up with everything."

Cassie gives a simple oh and Becca begins to read the warning aloud. "Beware the Power Spell for it is most dangerous. Power is meant to be shared. To claim it all, a price must be paid. What is valued most dearly thou shall have to trade." The book snaps shut and looks to Becca.

"What does she value most?" Cassie asks. The three think for a moment until Izzy points to the sky and screams, "Look out!"  They all look to see the three witches hovering above them, ready to attack.

Winnie sends a zap and Becca holds her hands up. A blue force field wraps around the girls, blocking the attack. As the girls stare in fascination, Winnie tuts. "Oh, sisters, observe. She has a new parlor trick. Shall we have a little fun?" The other two laugh at this.

All three witches joyfully zap at the force field for fun, watching as Becca struggle at keeping the barrier up. Izzy looks at her friend in worry, noticing that holes begin to tear into it.

"Power's meant to be shared," Izzy whispers in realization. "Becca, give me your hand!"

"I'm kinda in the middle of something right now." Becca strains. "Little witch, you cannot hide from our power." Winnie teases Becca. "Power is meant to be shared," Izzy repeats.

Winnie casts a longer and power attack spell, making Becca struggle even more. "Becca, give me your hand! Come on!" Izzy ushers, holding out her hand. Becca quickly takes her hand away from the barrier and clasps her hand in Izzy's, locking fingers.

The coven all zap at the same time and the barrier nearly breaks until Cassie puts her hand on top of Becca and Izzy's. The barrier strengthens and rebounds the attack. The coven backs up at this and looks in confusion.

"Even with your sisters just as powerful as you are, you still can't win," Becca states, angering the head witch. "This is my spell! They are mere parasites, leeches enjoying the spoils." Winnie gestures to her sisters as she explains. "I remain the most powerful one!"

 "You couldn't even finish the Power Spell. And now it's too late. We have your book." Becca taunts. Winnie flies a bit closer to the group and she glares at the book. "I do not need a book. Sisters, come. We will complete the spell without Book. And once we do, your inconsequential powers will protect you or your little friends or all of Salem from our wrath. Sisters, away!" And at that, the women fly off.

The girls let down the barrier with heaving breaths. "Did we- did we just do magic?" Cassie asks, still trying to process what just happened.

Becca nods and looks at the book, and a light bulb goes off in her head. "Wait, the warning. I think I know how to stop them."

"We have to tell them."

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