The tale of the sisters

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After school, a part of town is flooded with people wearing costumes. Different kinds of stands are being put up and many foods and drinks are being served.

Becca and Izzy take in the sight while rolling their bikes beside them. "This carnival gets crazier every year." Becca points out, but Izzy sees something. "Oh, wow. Cassie made it on the billboard this time." She says and Becca sees it too.

"Y'know, Cassie's family dates back to the trials," Becca recalls the fact. Izzy hums at this. "Must be why this is Mr. Traske's favorite holiday. He did a great job with the decorations."

As the two continue, a voice from behind calls them out. "Becca? Izzy?" They turn and see Cassie's dad, Mr. Traske, approaching the. "Hey. How's it going?" He greets the two.

Becca and Izzy put down the bike stand to let go of the bikes and give attention to the mayor as he sings, "Someone's got a birthday, someone's got a birthday." He stops and asks happily "Are you heading to your sacred circle?"

We actually don't call it the sacred circle anymore. Felt a little dramatic" Becca informs the man who looks sad by this. "Oh, that's a bummer."

"Oh, my gosh. Remember when Cassie would bring, like, ten flashlights with us?" Izzy recalls, making Becca and Mr. Traske laugh.

Mr. Traske begins wheezing, and it takes an awkward while for him to be able to ask his next question. "Oh, where is Cassie?" 

The girls are a bit taken aback by this and mutter before answering. "She's, um, she's running late. She had a...a mascara crisis." Izzy comes up and Becca nods in agreement. Worry fills the Mayor's face. "Mascara? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, no, she'll be fine." Izzy is quick to reassure. The mayor remembers something and points in a general direction. "Are you guys going to the magic shop?" He asks and the girls nod. "Can I ask you to do two things? First, can you pass out some of these campaign flyers for me?" He passes on a few flyers to each girl who agrees. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little plastic bag. "And give this to Ms. l/n? I won't be able to meet up with her this year. This is dried Lavender, very fragile, and has a strong smell. And please ask her how her trip to Transylvania went. Oh, wait, that's three things."

Becca and Izzy giggle. "We can do that, sir." As they take things carefully. The mayor then points to the two. "I'm gonna see you at the festival tonight. Look at this. Am I gonna see you here?" He asks hopefully. The girls nod. "Good. Can you guess why? Guess who's coming back from Boston." He pauses for effect and then answers. "Sandy' Candy Cauldron."

The girls look at one another in confusion. "What?" The mayor asks, shocked. "You don't remember Sandy's Candy Cauldron? Oh, come on. She was the best! And then she got so busy because she went on something called GMA, which is like some acronym for fancy people. I don't really get it, but you know."

"Good Morning America?" Izzy asks as she thinks about what the acronym is. "But I got her to come back." The mayor says happily. "And listen. You have to have one of her caramel apples. It will change your life. Promise me?"

The girls are quick to agree to the mayor's term. "Thanks. Please do say hi to Ms. l/n and give Jinx a pet for me!" He shouts as he runs off to help set up the festival.

The girls turn back and continue their way. "Mr. Traske is one of the nicest people in the world." Izzy notes and Becca hums. "It's kind of sad he doesn't realize Cassie kicked us to the curb."

The girls arrive at the magic shop, where inside a man wearing some Merlin wizard outfit is telling a story with people gathered around. "People of Salem, gather round. I am Gilbert the Great," He slightly bows, having people applaud for him. "here to terrify and amaze you with the most bone-chilling legend of All Hallow's Eve." The girls enter the shop and place the flyers on a nearby stand, knowing some people will grab one on their way in and out. "That of the Sanderson Sisters." He lowers a curtain and continues. "The Sanderson Sisters were the most powerful coven that ever lived, thanks to Winifred's book of spells." He motions to a stand that holds a book being strapped down tightly. The crowd gasps as they look.

"You really don't want people opening that book, huh?" A guy jokingly asks, thinking he's funny. "That's not to keep people from getting in," Gilbert explains. "No, it's to keep the book from getting out." The audience looks back at the book, nervousness filling the air. A cat suddenly jumps onto the stand, scaring people in the process.

"That very book contains the recipe to the potion the sisters used to kill Emily Binx on Halloween night, 1693. On that same night, the three witches were hanged. But not before they cast supposedly two curses! The one that is known for certain is that a virgin should light the Black Flame Candle on All Hallow's Eve with a full moon in the sky, the Sanderson Sisters vowed they would one day return to take revenge on all of Salem."

"What's a virgin?" A boy in a pirate's costume asks, making Gilbert snap out of his storytelling moment.

"Uh, that is a...a person who has never...lit a candle," Gilbert says, trying to not ruin the child's innocence. "But perhaps the sisters have already returned. Twenty-nine years ago, on Halloween night, some swear they saw three figures fly across the moon."

"Sounds like someone had a little too much candy." The wise guy from before cracks up. Gilbert walks over to a stand that has a cloth covering what's on the stand. "Then how do you explain this?" He pulls off the cloth and shows a candle stand with wax melted to the bottom. "Behold, the Black Flame Candle burned to the wick."

"Oh, so the witches have been walking among us for twenty-nine years." The jokester laughs. "No, man. The candle's magic only brings them back for one night. They disappear at sunrise okay? Just, can I finish this?" Gilbert asks, getting sick of the guy.

"But if the candle's melted, no one can light it right?" The pirate boy asks. "You are right." Gilbert holds the cloth in front of the melted wax and shakes it. "That is unless there is another candle." He pulls the cloth away and shows an electronic candle.

"Witches are real! We're all gonna die!" The boy screams and runs off. "Hey, you said two spells. What's the other one?" A girl in the crowd asks, and Gilbert lights up.

"Ah, yes. There is a theory that on that Halloween night when the sisters disappeared into the night, a centuries-old secret was revealed." Gilbert starts, and the crowd leans in with interest.

"There are believed to not be three sisters, but a fourth. She was cursed to be forgotten, and she would stay the same age until they returned. She is now known as The Good Witch. Traveling around the world, using her powers for good, and prepared to protect the world from her sisters. If you stay up till the witching hour, you can hear her voice flowing through Salem on Halloween, comforting us that she is here to keep us safe."

"You seem to have a lot of faith in this good witch, Gilbert." A woman's voice speaks up, grabbing everyone's attention.

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