The Adventure of Jinx, Billy, and Gilbert Part 2

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The two arrive at the grave of Billy, shovels in their hands. "Billy Butcherson's grave. If Winnie is back, he should be awake." Jinx explains. Gilbert nods with a bit of nervousness about him. "Yeah, just one question. How are we going to dig up a grave in time? I'll be dead when we finally hit the casket six feet under!"

Jinx smirks and jabs the spade into the ground, the sound of wood filling their ears. "That's not six feet under," Gilbert mutters, confusion filling his head, but before he can question, the ground opens up to a screaming man, thrashing about.

After shaking the dirt off him, he notices his unexpected audience. "Who are you two?" Gilbert screams as loud as he can, completely terrified, and starts running. "Zombie! Killer zombie!"

Billy yells after him. "No! Hey, stop! I am a good zombie! I'm not even chasing thee!" He sighs when he sees that he has no luck and looks at Jinx. "And you are?" He asks, raising a brow. "Jinx, y/n's partner and shapeshifting familiar."

Billy nods. "Ah, y/n. Good kid. Shall we get to your friend?" Before an answer can be given, Gilbert gets in between them and makes a distance, holding the shovel as a weapon. "Stay back!" He demands, making the decaying man hold up his hands.

"Don't even try eating our brains!" Gilbert's words confused Billy. "Why would I..." He starts but decides midway to drop it. "I simply wish to know why you two were digging up my grave!" The human is quick to shoot back. "And I simply wish to know why you're alive!" 

Billy scoffs at this. "Well, because I was woken up and never put back to sleep. Well, I've been awake since... how long ago was 1993?" He asks, a bit curious. Jinx and Gilbert perk up at this. "You've been awake the whole time?" The shifter asks, but Gilbert speaks over them. "Wait, were you there that night? With the Sanderson Sisters?"

The man flinches at the memory. "Uh... unfortunately." Jinx frowns at the news their about to give. "Well, guess what? They're back. Again."

 The zombie furiously shakes his head and stumbles back to his grave. "No, no, no." Gilbert panics at the reaction. "No, no, no, wait! We need your help!" He pleads, and the rotting man groans at this. "We're botching the spell to kill Winnifred! For good!" Billy freezes up at this. "We need someone from her time to get the things to look similar to the spell botches without them knowing. I mean, don't you want to pay her back for poisoning you and sewing your mouth shut?"

Billy tilts his head at this. "Thou knoweth how I die?" He asks, and Gilbert frantically nods. "Well, yeah. Everyone knoweth the legend of Billy Butcherson." Jinx tries to stop the man, but he goes on. "You were Winnie's lover, and then you cheated on her with Sarah so she killed you."

Billy feels anger growing in him. "What?! No, no, no! That is not what happened!" He gets close to the pair, but Gilbert readies the shovel again. He speaks in a calmer tone. "I shared one kiss with Winnifred. One! Oh, she sullied my name for eternity."

Jinx gets in front of Gilbert. "Well if you help us gather the look-a-like things that we need for the spell, we'll make sure the truth about you is heard by everyone." Billy perks up, clearly interested as Jinx gets close to Billy with Gilbert slowly following behind. "So what do you say?" They, holding out a hand. "Team?"

Billy looks at the offering hand and shakes it, all of them smiling until the wrist leaves the zombie's arm. Billy is a bit confused, Gilbert tries to throw up and Jinx stares at the hand still in his grip.

"Sorry," Billy mutters, but Jinx shakes their head. "No worries." They help put the hand back on till Billy can use it. "Right as rain." He says and claps his hands together happily while Jinx gives a thumbs up and Gilbert bends down to not throw up.

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