The witches are back

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Apologies for the late posting. I just started this on a whim and didn't prepare and I guess I should mention that I'm on medication for...things. I won't go into it. I hope you enjoy these new chapters.

"What the..." Becca mutters in a low voice, wondering why the candle suddenly lights up. She looks at Izzy with a raised brow. "How-how is that?" She asks. Izzy just shakes her head, not knowing either.

Becca blows heavily on the candle, trying to put it out, but the flame barely falters at the gust of wind. Izzy joins, but the helping hand shows no success as the candle stays lit.

The two stop when a woman's singing is carried by the wind.

Come, little children,

I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

"Izzy?" Becca calls out to her friend. "Becca." answers back. They listen for a moment longer until Becca asks the question that's scaring the two. "Why is everything so quiet?" Izzy breathes heavily "I don't know!"

The ground under the two begins rumbling. The girls look around to see the ground visibly shake, their panic rising higher. "What is that? What is that? Why is everything...what...?" Becca shoots the questions left and right, her mind filled with panicked questions.

A strong wind roars through the trees, making the girls miserably try to protect themselves. Even with the gust, the candle still stays alight, and barely moves with the opposing element.

Under the candle, the earth splits with an ominous red light glowing from underneath. The girls shriek and Izzy yelps out a nope while the two run away from the candle as the line goes further down.

Once the girls go behind a rock, they peek over and watch the fiery crack split into three ways. The lines atop three suspicious mounds of dirt, and the quacking becomes more violent until it suddenly stops and darkness fills the area where even the full moon can't be seen.

"Are you still here?" Becca frantically asks, sighing when she hears "Yeah, yeah." from Izzy. "Wasn't there a moon?" Becca wonders.

A flash of lightning makes the girls yelp. "What's-what's going on?" Becca panics. "I don't know. I don't know." Izzy follows.

Three figures are shown stretching and cackling with more lightning strikes and through the flashes of light. "Lock up your children!" A woman's voice orders.

Light returns to the area and the figures are shown as three familiar women smiling evilly. "Yes, Salem. We're back!" The middle hisses happily.

The women laugh and they begin to dance around. "Are those the Sanderson sisters?" Becca whispers, recognizing the women right away.

As the sisters are laughing, Winnie begins to sing.

We were running wild and so reviled

Raising Cain until we got exiled

But times are changing we're on the attack

Ready to get our dearest sister back

Yeah, the spell is gonna hit 'cha because the witches are back


"What do we do? What do we do?" Becca sputters. "I don't know. But I literally can't stop watching them." Izzy trails off. Becca smacks her friend's arm, telling her "Snap out of it!"

Yeah, the witches, the witches, the witches are back

Stone cold meanies as a matter of fact

"How is this happening?" Becca wonders, watching the sisters sing.

Yeah, the witches, the witches are coming for you

Realization dawns on Izzy and she slowly looks to Becca, uttering only three words. "Candle. Virgin. Moon." Becca looks at Izzy with fear and they both scream, "Run!" and the two dash to the town, dodging the trees.

Witch, witch, the witches are back

Izzy and Becca look back, trying to see if they're being followed. "Who are they performing for?" Izzy asks, looking forward and seeing Sarah leaning toward them with a smile. "You." The blonde answers. The two screech to a halt while screaming at the top of their lungs.

The teenagers look to see that they're surrounded. "Well, well, well." Winnie hums as she takes a closer look at the frightened girls. "How convenient. Two little mortals ripe for picking."

Izzy and Becca stand shoulder by shoulder as the women close in on them. "Come sisters. If we intend to live past sunrise, we have to brew the life potion and steal their souls."

Winnie turns around and calls out in a sing-song voice. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOK!"

At the magic shop, in the casing. The bounded book's eye flies open and starts to thrash around, wanting to respond to Winnie. 

But that wasn't the only reaction to the call. Y/n's head snaps up at the feeling she only had once in her life. Like last time, her knees buckle, and she loses her balance, going unconscious at the overwhelming feeling. Gilbert sees this and he dashes over to the woman. "Ms. l/n!" Jinx is quickly by the woman's side, poking the woman with their nose. With a huff, the wolf barks quietly.

Back in the woods, Winnie tries to call for the book again. "Where, oh, where is his beacon of light?" She looks down in thought, muttering to herself. "I cannot steal their souls without him."

"Sister Mary! Help me!" Winnie commands. Mary bumbles her way and holds Winnie's hands. "Where was he was last seen? Retrace our steps." 

"Okay." May mumbles. "Oh, I got it! If my memory serves me incorrectly, we were in the cottage. The boys were in the cages and that's when that sunrise tricked us." Winnie holds up a finger. "This time there will be no trickery." She turns her head toward Becca and Izzy with a smile. "If we see a teenager, we kill it."

As the women close in on the girls again, Izzy shakes her head and speaks up. "Wait, wait. We're not- we're not teenagers." Becca joins in.

Winnie looks at the two in confusion as they continue. "We only look young, but we're really... 40." Izzy comes up with the false excuse.

The sisters are taken aback by this. "Oh, 40?" Sarah repeats. "Old folks, huh?" Mary asks while holding her cheek. They continue making notes of how young the girls look for their age.

Becca nods. "Yeah, I mean, we eat young souls all the time." 

Winnie hums impressed. "That's- we're just like you guys. That's why we brought you back. You are our idols."

The women light up at the words. "Idols? Really?" Winnie sighs happily. "My favorite word. Thou dost worship us?" They continue soaking in the supposed appreciation, happy that they're idolized.

"And good news!" Izzy continues. "You don't even have to brew the potions anymore. You can just buy them."

The woman gasps and mutters in amazement. "Yes, we have a whole youth and beauty industry. You know, shops where you can go buy all sorts of serums and lotions." Becca explains.

"Lotions?" Winne asks, unfamiliar with the word. Mary lights up. "Oh, lotions. Like potions." Winnie and Sarah nod in understanding.

"Yup, yup. Just like potions. Except better, because the souls are already mixed in." Izzy motions with her hands as she describes them.

Sarah's face falls at this. "No more luring children to their demise?" She weakly asks. Becca and Izzy shake their heads. "No. they're already demised."

"Oh, that's a great time hack. Thank you kindly." Mary says in gratitude. Sarah plays with her hands while lowly speaking. "I delighted in luring. Twas my only job. Alas."

"Sisters, let us confabulate," Winnie demands. The women huddle low and mutter to one another, taking turns to look at the teens. After a moment, they disperse the huddle like a football team and Winnie holds out a finger. "Lead us to thine apothecary!"

Izzy and Bacca nod, heading out of the woods with the sisters following close behind. "We gotta get to Auntie without them." Becca states silently and Izzy nods.

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