Getting to Cassie

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Mike sadly walks down the sidewalk, feeling lonely without his girlfriend. He quickly jumps at the scares happening around him. He pulls down the collar of his costume so he could breathe easier.

Over with the enchanted crowd, they continue dancing down the road. They all dance in sync while also chanting the spell that was cast upon them.

Over with the mayor, he watches as the people in front of him take candy apple after candy of all different coverings sticking to the caramel. The only feeling running through his mind is fear that he won't be able to get one and the savories about sinking his teeth into the delicious treat.

Over with the witches, Mary catches up to Winnie tiredly. "Winnie... Winnie. "We- we looked everywhere." She gasps. "I give up, I'm tired, Winnie. I need, like, a snack and a stool." Sarah leans toward Winnie. "Oh, we should inquire with someone." She suggests. "Inquire who?" Winnie asks. "Who would be stupid enough to lead three witches to the mayor?" She demands to know.

Becca slams her palm on the door as she shouts, "Cassie, open up!" She looks at Izzy who's fidgeting in her spot and y/n is keeping her eyes on the sky. Izzy cups her hands over her mouth as she shouts, "Crazy witches are trying to kill your dad!"

The door flies open and Cassie steps out. "What are you guys doing?" She asks. Y/n turns to the girls and grips the mayor's daughter by the shoulder. "Where's your dad?"  She asks.

"Auntie?" Cassie calls out in surprise. Her eyes then narrow, and she glares accusingly at Becca and Izzy. "Well, after he grounded me for the rest of my life because those two ratted me out, he went back to the festival to get his apple." The woman raises a brow in confusion, but before she can ask, Cassie looks to the side, confused. "Mike?" She calls out and the others look to see Cassie's boyfriend dashing his way to the house. 

Behind the boy, the witches are close behind him, laughing with joy. "I told thee it would work!"

"Oh, please." Winnie scoffs. "It's mere luck we stumbled upon the village idiot."

"Get inside! Now!" Y/n orders and shove the three girls inside, all scared about being caught. Once the door closes, Cassie points outside. "Are those the Sanders Sisters?" She asks.

"Yeah. You saw them flying, right? So, we don't need to explain that to you." Becca says, but Izzy holds up a finger and points to y/n. "Except that Auntie is also a Sanderson." Cassie whips her head to Izzy in confusion.

"Come out, come out wherever you die~" A voice from behind the door sings. "Go, go!" Y/n whispers and the four run deeper into the house.

The door falls to the floor and the witches stroll in. "Traske must be in here someplace. Spread out." Winnie orders. Sarah grabs the wall and starts doing the splits slowly. Winnie sigh exasperated and heaved her sister up before shoving her in a room. "Be serious!"

A SIRI nearby speaks up. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that." Winnie freezes in place as she asks, "Who said that?"

Mary sees the device and she slowly makes her way to the eldest. "Winnie. There is a small woman trapped in that box."

"I still don't understand." SIRI says, causing Winnie and Mary hug each other. "Is there something I can do for you?" SIRI asks. Winnie and Mary scream in fear and quickly scatter.

Over at the festival, the mayor finally reaches to the front of the line. Once he gets the apple, he holds it up with a bright smile. "Thank you, Sandy. Thank you so much." The woman behind the counter nods with a kind smile.

Singing from behind the man catches his attention. He turns to see the dancing crowd approaching him. He happily dances his way over to the crowd as they circle him. The crowd shouts and put their hands up, Traske following suite.

The crowd snap out of the enchantment, confused on what they were doing and scatter off. The mayor laughs and looks at his hand, noticing that his candy apple has gone missing. "Hey, where's my apple? Where's ... hey. Whoa, whoa!" He cries into the sky, sadden that he lost his treat.

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