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Steven ran through the halls followed by Carlos as the lights flickered.
"Oh, God. Oh, God." Steven mumbled as he ran, until he stumbled to a stop.

"Give it back, you fool."khonshu spoke deeply. Steven screamed in fear turning the other direction and ran, followed by Carlos.

Steven pants as he fell to the floor.
"Marc? Where have you been?" An Egyptian girl asked him.

"Layla?" Steven asked as Carlos slowly stopped running.

"Layla? Oh my god it's you? Your alive?"Carlos asked going up to her.

"Yes now get on both of you" layla said as Carlos  got on her motorcycle and so did Steven.

"Marc is this Steven the latest fake identity for you?" She asked as she started driving, "I figured you were using a coded message when we spoke on the phone."

"H-How did you find me?" He stuttered gripping tight hold of Carlos' shoulders.

"How'd you think? I tracked your phone." Layla told Steven , "I thought you wanted me to do that when you turned it on. Right."

"Yeah." Steven mumbled gripping tighter onto his shoulders.

"You know, you really could have given me any sign that you were alive." Layla said angrily and Carlos just stayed quiet not telling her that it's not Marc, "I thought that you were in danger, or kidnapped again."

Layla sighed, "I just kept thinking, 'He's got the suit. He's fine.'Then, I thought, "Well, what if he gets ambushed when he's not wearing it?' And 'What if he doesn't have it?' And..."

"Steven please stop gripping onto my shoulders, it feels like I'm riding with a Victorian duchess." Carlos spoke to Steven.

"Where do I hang on?" Steven asked looking at Carlos, as he let go of his shoulders then Layla picked up speed and Steven quickly wrapped his arms around his waist. Making Carlos blush, giving him a butterfly feeling in his stomach. Shit, make it stop..Ahhhhhhh

"Do you see the spiral you put me through? I'm still your wife. By the way, this would be a great time for you to say something. Anything. Just in case it's not clear." Layla yelled at him.

"Layla.." Carlos whispered.

"Sorry, sorry... Did you say wife? My... Are we married?" Steven stuttered looking at Layla.

"Look, I'm pretty sure we lost whoever was chasing you. Just drop the act." Layla asked

"It's not an act." Steven said defensively.

"Layla" Carlos whispered.

"Not now Carlos! You can't speak after you kissed Marc!" Layla snapped. That was the reason she is wanting a divorce but she didn't need to bring it up all the time, "Get off the bike!"

"No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait." Steven stuttered, "Please. Please, I will tell you everything, just get me to my flat, yeah? Just get me home."

"All right." Layla scoffed as she took a quick turn, making Steven grip Carlos' waist tight making him blush more.

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