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Marc rolled of the top of Carlos flopping beside him. Both panting. "That was.." Carlos panted he had no words for what just happened. None.

"I have no words but.. I loved it" Carlos smiled turning to face Marc.

"Yeah" Marc smiled looking at Carlos pulling him close cuddling into his chest. Carlos ran his hands through his hair. Marc gently kissed his chest.

"Marc.." Carlos whispered as Marc stopped and looked at him, humming in response. Carlos couldn't help but smile.

"I love you" he smiled kissing the top of  Marc's head, closing his eyes falling asleep.

"I love you too" Marc mumbled before nuzzling into Carlos' chest and falling asleep.


Carlos woke up to the sound of Maahes roaring and shouting. Or he thought he heard Maahes shouting and roaring but he wasn't, he wasn't even there.

Carlos sat up and Marc groaned tiredly "shhhh go back to sleep" Carlos whispered worriedly to Marc, turning his head to look around then his surroundings suddenly start to change.

He was in his house. It was in flames but he was on the inside. Everything was on fire. "I want Papa! Carlos! Rosa!" A young blonde girl yelled as a flame grew bigger behind her.

"Lola!" Carlos yelled as he walked through the hallway. He saw her. His sister. Heading towards the door that looks like it's going to explode.
"Lola no! Don't open that door!" Carlos yelled but she didn't hear him. She opened the door and flames blew out bringing the ceiling down.
Carlos ducked the fire hitting arm, pieces of wood cutting his right arm.

Marc woke up and looked around. No Carlos. He got up sliding boxers on and went to the bathroom, where most of the noise was coming from.

Carlos sat in the corner of the bathroom. Mirror smashed. Knees to his chest. A mirror shard in his left hand and cuts on his right. He was breathing heavily, sniffing as tears ran down his face.

Marc went up to him. "Carlos.."Marc whispered softly as he crouched next to him, "Carlos..?"

He sniffed repeating "I'm sorry".

Suddenly Steven fronted and he put his hand on his shoulder. "Carlos love are you alright...?" He asked looking at him, not noticing the glass and cuts he has.

Carlos sniffled snapping out of his little trance and looked around. Confused. How did he end up in the bathroom? He looked at Steven. "S-Steven...?" He stuttered.

"Yeah it's me..." Steven said softly looking at Carlos, "oh Carlos what did you do?"

Carlos looked at his arm. "I-I..." Carlos stuttered not knowing what to do.

Steven whispered, "it's alright love.. it's alright" he pulled Carlos into a hug.

Carlos slowly hugged back. "I-I'm sorry...I'm s-sorry s-Steven" Carlos stuttered his eyes watering.

"Let's get those cuts cleaned before they get infected" Steven smiled softly at him as he got up, helping him up in the process. And they sorted the wounds out.

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