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They went to the water almost instantly and dragged Marc's body out of it. Harrow knelt down as his followers headed him the ushabti.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, whoever else might be in there. Sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality." Harrow spoke to Marc's body.

"You have no right to speak to him! Murder!" Carlos yelled.

"Says the one who killed his sister and burned down his house" Harrow replied with calmly as he got back up to his feet, Now... who wants to heal the world?" People cheered as they left.

Layla came out of hiding and ran up to Marc falling to her knees. "Marc. Marc." Layla sniffles as she broke down into sobs once she didn't get a response. Carlos knelt down next to Layla.

"Descanse en paz lo harán(rest in peace they will)" Carlos whispered as he kissed the necklace then putting it around Marc's neck, kissing his forehead while placed the scarab on his chest and gently pushes him into the water.

"Now let's go and kill that mother fucker" Carlos spoke bitterly as he got up and Layla agreed.

"Yes about time child! Finally some fun!"

Layla and Carlos split up. Layla went with harrows followers and Carlos went to meeting place for the gods. He ran up to the avatars of the gods. Well he tried to run.

"Right listen up. Harrow and his crazy ass boyfriend killer cults coming here.." Carlos spoke breathlessly.

"Someone is trying to release Ammit. But why?" Horus' avatar spoke and then the walls started rumbling.

"You won't believe what the Gods have hidden from mankind." Harrow spoke as he came into the room and Carlos hid behind the other avatars as the just stood there.

"You're judges, not warriors. This doesn't need to happen." Harrow spoke as the avatars got ready to fight but Harrow just lifted his staff and the avatars fell.

"Shit.." Carlos whispered as he stumbled away to try and hide.

"This was all so avoidable" Harrow sighed as he placed the ushabti on the floor and stomped on it. And a crocodile lady appeared. Ammit.

"To whom do I owe my gratitude?" She growled softly as she walked towards Harrow who was kneeling Down.

"Your humble disciple, my Goddess, to whom you owe nothing." Harrow spoke to her and Carlos peeked his head from behind a Lion statue.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Maahes just shut up"

"Your Scales lack balance." Ammit spoke and Harrow looked to the ground.

"I understand. I had hoped my penance might correct my imbalance, but I see now that's impossible. I accept the Scales regardless of the outcome." Harrow explained.

"Shit.. what am I going to do Maahes. Do you see Layla?" Carlos tried looking.

"What I see is your failure boy! If you don't do what i say!"

"They lack balance because of what lies ahead of you." Ammit spoke slowly as she circled round Harrow.

"Then we must spare the world the pain I will cause. I willingly submit." Harrow spoke looking at ammit.

"What lies ahead of you is your service to me." Ammit told him

"How may I serve you in death?" He asked still looking at her.

"Your death is delayed. I once relied on a servant whose Scales balanced perfectly. In exchange, I was bound to stone for , years." Ammit explained

"But I have disciples all over the world whose Scales balance perfectly, awaiting your command. They are worthy, my Goddess." Harrow spoke really confused why she'd want him as an avatar.

"But you are the one who set me free. You are the Avatar that I need. Serve me, and you will find peace. Do not let the pain of the past control you." She spoke stopping in front of him.

"As you wish." Harrow spoke as Ammit ran her hand through his hair tilting his head up and his eyes glowed purple.

Carlos looked at them and blinked. He had to admit it looked a little bit hot. Wait no what's he thinking!

."What the fuck was that?" Carlos asked looking at Maahes.

"Ammit just got a new avatar you idiot!"

Carlos sighed and tried to sneak away but slipped falling backwards down some small steps. They all turned to look at him.

"Who are you?" Ammit asked looking at Carlos.

"I'm Carlos..and your the reason my father is dead!" Carlos yelled pointing towards Harrow.

"Your scales lack balance" Ammit told Carlos walking up to him, "yet your still standing"

"I'm the avatar of Maahes" Carlos told her

"No wonder your scales lack balance child" ammit scoffed and then they was a loud noise.

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