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Carlos ran followed by Marc until he stumbled to a stop in front of the gods. "Pathetic Carlos! This child like behaviour!" Maahes roared

"S-sorry Maahes" Carlos stuttered walking away with Maahes glancing back at Marc slightly.

"That was a bit over the top, don't you think?" Marc asked

"Hurry. They're gathering their Avatars now." Khonshu ignored Marc's question.

"Aren't they scattered all over the world?" Marc asked looking at khonshu.

"Yes. But for a meeting of the Ennead, a portal presents itself anywhere." Khonshu explained.

"Okay. So, where's mine?" Marc asked then the walls started rumbling opening a pathway.

"The last time I spoke to the gods, they banished me. Our case against Harrow must be indisputable." Khonshu explained as he walked away.

"Aren't you coming with?" Marc asked.

"Oh, I'll be there." Khonshu spoke and Marc walked through the pathway.

"I can't believe it. Oh, my days. We're inside. We're inside the Great Pyramid of Giza." Steven mumbled with a wide smiled.

"Khonshu's theatrics are unparalleled. You must be his Avatar." A female spoke as she walked up to Marc.

"Hi. And who are you?" He asked looking at her.

"I'm Yatzil, Avatar of Hathor." She introduced.

"Okay." Marc replied looking around the place.

"Goddess of music and love?" She told him.

"Cool." Marc wasn't really interested, it's steven who is.

"Surely Khonshu mentioned her?" She asked him.

"The gods aren't really his favorite topic. Not even when they are old friends?" Marc explained.

"Sorry." She spoke, Ethereal voice whispered and she chuckled, "She says it was not so long ago Khonshu enjoyed Hathor's melodies."

"Well, as far as I know, the only melody Khonshu enjoys is the sound of pain." Marc told her.

"Yatzil." An avatar yelled from his place.

"Has Khonshu told you how this works?" She asked as she walked over to her place leaving Marc alone in the centre.

"Not really. Is there somethin' I should know?" Marc asked her.

"I try not to fight it. It's a strange sensation. But you'll get used to it." She explained before the goddess took over her body, "Great. In attendance, Horus, Isis, Tefnut, Osiris and Hathor, to hear the account of Khonshu."

Khonshu took over Marc's body. "You've been banished once for nearly exposing us, Khonshu. And you know we despise your garishness, your showy masks, and weapons." On of the gods explained.

"But manipulate the sky again and we will imprison you in stone."Osiris spoke through his avatar.

"Spare me your self-righteous threats! I was banished for not abandoning humanity, unlike the rest of you." Khonshu yelled through Marc, Marc took in several deep breath's trying not to fight the weird sensation.

"We have not abandoned humanity. They abandoned us." Horus spoke through his avatar.

"We simply trust our Avatars to carry out our purposes without calling undue attention to ourselves. Not like some of us." Osiris explained.

"Avatars are not enough! We need the might of gods. Return from the opulence of the Overvoid before you lose this realm." Khonshu yelled.

"For the last time, Khonshu... The Avatars that remain here are simply meant to observe. We decided long ago we did not wish to meddle in the affairs of man. We will decide our best course of action." Horus explained to him.

"Speak your purpose." Tefnut commanded.

"I call for judgment against Arthur Harrow." Khonshu told the gods.

"The charges?" Hathor asked.

"Conspiracy to release Ammit!" Khonshu yelled

"That is a heavy accusation, Khonshu. Let us summon the accused." Osiris spoke and Harrow walked in.

"So, I see by the presence of Khonshu's current makeshift Avatar, the purposes of our meeting must be nefarious." He spoke innocently.

"You know exactly why we are here!" Khonshu yelled.

"I must admit I do not miss the sound of that voice. But speak, old master, to the point." Harrow spoke as if he didn't know why he was there.

"Do you not seek to release Ammit from her tomb?" Khonshu asked.

"I was in the desert. But if visiting the sands were a crime, the line of sinners would be longer than the Nile.
Khonshu has searched for Ammit's tomb since he ensnared me to his service." Harrow explained.

"His vision is obscured by jealousy, paranoia, and his..." Harrow explained.

"He is a deceiver!" Khonshu yelled loudly pointing to Harrow.

"Do not trust the word of a shamed god. No, Khonshu is unhinged and his servant unwell."

"How do you mean?"

"This is a man who literally does not know his own name." Harrow told the gods. Marc cleared his throat his eyes tearing slightly.

"He has a marriage certificate under the name Marc Spector..." Harrow explained.

"Liar!" Marc/ Khonshu yelled.

"Employment records under the name Steven Grant." Harrow kept going.

"Stop!" He pleaded.

"I've seen him speak to himself..." Harrow spoke.

"Shut up!" He yelled

"Threaten himself." Harrow chuckled, "I have no idea how many personalities he must possess. The man is clearly insane." Khonshu or Marc lost it swinging for Harrow but stopped by Osiris. Then falling to his knees hands behind his back.

"We will not tolerate violence in this Chamber." Osiris spoke to him.

"It brings me no pleasure to tell you that this is a deeply troubled man. Khonshu is taking advantage of him the same way that he abused me, the way he aspires to abuse this court. Take action now before it's too late." Harrow convinced the god to change the subject.

"Let us speak to Marc Spector." Horus command and Khonshu left Marc's body, him breathing heavily,"Are you unwell?"

"I am. I am unwell. I need help. But that doesn't change the fact that this man is..." marc spoke breathlessly his eyes watering slightly as his arms flung forwards.

"This is a safe space for you to tell us if you feel exploited by Khonshu." Hathor told Marc.

"This is not about my feelings! I'm not the one on trial here. He is! This is about how dangerous he is if you would just listen for a second." Marc yelled pointing to Harrow.

"He has committed no offense." Osiris spoke. Then Carlos limped into the room, stumbling to Marc. Bruised and cut badly.

"This matter is concluded." Osiris spoke as the gods left their avatars and Marc sighed. Carlos fell in front of Marc.

"Marc... we.. we need to find Senfu's casket thing" Carlos stuttered slightly looking at Marc.

"Carlos? Carlos what happened to you? And who is Senfu?" Marc asked, but Carlos didn't reply he just sat down and looked at the floor then Yazil came up to them.

"I couldn't help but over hear. His sarcophagus was stolen and sold on the black market. You might want to start there." She told Marc.

"Thanks" Marc said as he got up and helped Carlos up as well, "how the hell did you get like that?" Marc took one of Carlos' arms and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"Long story" he mumbled as he saw Maahes give him a dirty look as they headed back to the hotel they were staying in.

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