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Marc and Carlos walked through the streets of Cairo. "Really marc a baseball cap as your disguise?" Carlos asked looking at Marc.

"Yes" Marc spoke as he went up to a guy selling drinks, "I'll take one."

"Perfect, one, sir. Best juice ever in the world." The man yelled as he poured the drink handing it to Marc.

"I'm looking for Senfu's sarcophagus." Marc whispered to the man.

"Senfu?"the man asked backing away.

"Oh great you scared him off" Carlos told Marc turning to look at him.

"I hope you like attention. Right guy, right place. But you're not Egyptian." Layla spoke turning around to Marc and Carlos.

"Layla, what the hell are you doing here?" Carlos asked looking at Layla.

"You shouldn't be here." Marc told her sounding protective. Carlos looked at Marc and sighed.

"Why? Because my name pisses off a few people in Cairo? Who cares?" Layla scoffed as she walked up to Marc.

"Well why are you here? Hm?" Carlos asked her.

"Come with me. I'll help you find what you need." Layla told them.

"Of course" Carlos sighed as they followed Layla, Carlos holding Marc's  hand intertwining their fingers.

They all sat on a small boat. "So what exactly are we gonna do here? What's the plan?" Marc asked looking at Layla who smirked.

"Oh. It's not pleasant being left in the dark, is it?" Layla asked with a smirk.

"Layla quit the whining and just tell us the plan!" Carlos snapped at her. He doesn't even know why he snapped he just did.

"Carlos.. it's alright.. chill" marc told him, hold his hand, "Okay. I get that you're not happy about me leaving so quickly and coming to Cairo. I understand." Marc looked at Layla.

"Wait. Is that your apology? That's good. That's really good." Layla smiled

"Just so we can get through tonight, maybe let's just give our shit a rest for a moment and just try to strategize before we get to..." Marc explained.

"Mogart's?" Layla asked looking at her.

"Mogart?" Carlos asked looking at them.

"Just so you know, I'm not here to help you or him. I'm here for me and for everyone else who would die if Harrow succeeds. Copy that" Layla told them.
Marc and Carlos nodded.

"So, this Mogart guy. He's really gonna have his sarcophagus?" Marc asked Layla. Carlos looked at the way marc looked at Layla. Did he still have feelings for her? Does he even like him?

"Yes. I asked around. Mogart's collection is prime gossip for those of us who deal in antiquities." Layla explained as Carlos looked at his feet. And music could be heard.

"I haven't heard that sound since... Since our wedding." Marc smiled and so did Layla.

"You could've told me. You know? What's it's been like for you. About Steven." Layla said reaching for Marc's hand but he pulled them away.

"For what it's worth, I had it under control until very recently." Marc explained.

"What happened?" Layla asked looking at Marc.

"Doesn't matter." Marc sighed looking at Carlos.

"We could've handled it together." Layla told Marc looking at him.

"That's not really what I do, is it? And me and Carlos can handle it. And I've Never really been able to just talk about everything. Anything real?" Marc explained looking at Carlos rubbing his thumb over his hand.

"Yes. Yeah, I know. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have." Lays explained to him, "and if you didn't cheat on me with Carlos then we would still be together"

"Yeah. Maybe. A little too late for that now, though." Marc told her.

"Are you happy? With Carlos?" Layla asked Marc. Marc nodded.

"Yeah I am. He makes me really happy and I'm happy with him" Marc smiled and Carlos leaned on Marc shoulder smiling then closed his eyes.

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