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"The hotel is really bad and why is there only one bed!?" Marc complained. 

"Marc please stop complaining it's late and I'm tired" Carlos pleaded for the last time.

"Of course you'd like to share bed wouldn't you?" Marc asked.

"Well... ummm" Carlos stuttered rubbing the back of his neck, Carlos put his stuff down as Marc kept whining about there being one bed, "MARC JUST QUIT YOUR WHINING OKAY WE HAVE A JOB TO DO AND ITS FUCKING LATE!"

"Yep got it" Marc mumbled walking into the bathroom. Carlos sighed, lying down on the bed, just as he closed his eyes he heard footsteps heading to the door.

"Where are you going?" Carlos asked his eyes still shut.

"Our to find Harrow. What are you doing?" Marc said looking at Carlos.

"Resting like you should because no doubt that khonshu and Maahes has something planned" Carlos explained.

Marc just agreed going to the bed sitting at the other side. Carlos sat up and looked at him.

"You know you shouldn't try to do everything by yourself" Carlos told Marc.

"Yeah but you know me" Marc sighed looking at the floor then he looked at Carlos, "you know.. I left to protect you."

"Yeah but you took Layla... Marc why didn't you just tell me that you were sleeping with her or that you liked her?" Carlos asked Marc looking at her.

"Because.. I can't talk to anyone about my feelings and I married her before I met you" Marc told Carlos, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"God sake Marc! You should have told me because I would never take a woman's man.. I mean if he's asking for it then yeah maybe but not the point Marc! I loved you and you lied to me!" Carlos yelled slightly at Marc, "did you even love me?"

"I.."Marc didn't know what to say, Carlos sighed getting up.

"The quicker we find Harrow the quicker we don't have to see each other ever!" Carlos told Marc before heading to the bathroom to have a shower. After that Marc and Carlos just ignored each other, they talked a few times but it would just be short conversations.


Marc and Carlos ran across buildings trying to catch up to the guy they were after. By the time they caught up to him, he was killed by a group of people.

"Oh, shit." Carlos sighed as the group turned to look at them

"You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig site. Guess I'm gonna have to talk to you instead." Marc sighed looked at the group.

"You're too late. You're never gonna find Harrow." A guy spoke in terrible English.

"Oh really?" Carlos asked then one of the guys started dancing or something with his knives while the other got ready to fight.

"Oh, wow." Carlos chuckled.

"Oh. What, are we dancin'? We fightin'?" Marc asked, rhetorically.

"What are we gonna do?" Carlos asked as the guys attacked and Marc noticed one of them was in his teens.

"Carlos one's a kid" Marc yelled as he punched a guy. The kid came up to attack Carlos and the best he could do was slap the kid, kicking another of the building accidentally. Now there's three.

"Oops" he mumbled. Then the kid said something in Arabic then throwing a knife at Marc, luckily he dodged it.

Carlos was fighting another guy getting cut on his arm. "Ow!" He yelled while Marc had a guy pinned to the wall with a knife against the guys neck.

"Marc. Don't do it, Marc." Steven pleaded.

"Stop it. Stop" Marc mumbled before his eyes rolled back and Marc wasn't Marc anymore.

He turned around cutting one of the guys leg kicking him to the floor then hitting the other guys head of the wall.

He then went over to Carlos dropping the knife grabbing Carlos' hand taking him off the building.

"Okay listen amor I don't have time but we need to get to an airport" Jake spoke quickly.

"Wait... airport why?" Carlos asked looking at Jake slowly stopped walking.

"Look I don't have much time to front okay so we gotta leave while we can amor" Jake explained stepping closer to Carlos, making him walk back.

"Okay.." Carlos sighed.

"One more thing" Jake smiled quickly kissing Carlos then dragging him to a taxi, Carlos was still trying to process what just happened.

"Take us to an airport"Jake spoke quickly, god Carlos loved Jakes New York accent. Such a turn on. Wait no. Fuck. Carlos sighed to his own thoughts from his embarrassment.

"Huh?" The taxi driver spoke in Arabic.

"Air.port!" Jake spoke slower then the taxi driver started driving. Making Carlos chuckle slightly.

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