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Carlos and Steven when to get a dog and they did, Jake choose the breed and gender, Steven choose the toys and the bed, Carlos choose the name and Marc choose the collar and lead.

Carlos laughed and the puppy licked his face. "Looks like he likes you Amor" Jake laughed as he parked the car.

"Yea it does" Carlos laughed then he stopped, "shit he's pissing on me!" Jake just laughed

"Stop..stop laughing I'm gonna smell like dog piss.."
"You'll just have to bin the clothes Amor" Jake chuckled.
"It's your shirt and pants Jake" that's when Jake stopped laughing and looked at Carlos then picked the dog up and held him up until he stopped peeing. Carlos laughed as he got out the car with everything they needed.

Once they were to the apartment Carlos slowed down to take deep breaths. "Baby you okay?" Marc asked turning around to face Carlos.

"Y-y-yeah.." Carlos gasped as he held onto the wall. He soon managed to breathe normally he walked into the apartment.
"Okay so how do we train the pup?"

"His names blue and I'm good with training animals..." Carlos explained then thought off the "lessons" his father taught then tried to shake the thought. He looked at Marc who was placing down the training mats.

The blue eyes puppy ran crazy around the apartment, Carlos placed the bowl of water and dog food.

Time skip coz I'm running out of ideas.

The puppy wasn't really a puppy anymore and was trained by Carlos and Steven. Carlos was getting worse. Nothing to help him. He was told to rest by the doctor which he thought really sucked.

Carlos groaned as he took a tried deep breath but he felt like a knife was being pushed into his chest slowly with ever breath he takes. Carlos laid in bed with the dog resting on his legs.

"Jake...Steven....Marc..." Carlos gasped weakly and Steven ran up to him.

"Yeah love? What is it? I'm here.." Steven said looking at Carlos gently sitting next to him.

"It hurts...it hurts a lot...and..and..I can't..." Carlos spoke breathlessly looking at Steven with tears in his eyes.

"What can I do to help..?" Steven asked looking at Carlos.

"Jake knows...Jake knows what to do.." Carlos told Steven and he shook his head.

"Por favor...Amor..por favor.." Carlos begged and Steven sighed his expression changing.

"Amor...are you sure?" Jake asked and Carlos nodded then jake lifted him up and carried him to the car followed by blue.


They made it to a willow tree. The same where Carlos placed flowers down for his father and sisters. Jake's gently placed him down. And Jake looked at him for once letting tears fill his eyes.

"Jake... it alright.." Carlos gasped looking at Jake smiling slightly. Jake nodded as he pulled out his gun.

"I can't Amor..." Jake choked on the words, "I can't kill you..."

"You promised Jake...you promised..." Carlos grabbed Jake's hand and kissed it then holding the gun up to his head.
Jake looked at him.
"I love you all..take care of yourself Jake..por favor..."

Jake smiled slightly and kissed Carlos' head before looking way, slowly pulling the trigger. Once he heard the trigger his expression changed.

"Oh shit..." Steven said dropping the gun and knelt down next to Carlos and teared up.

"Oh love...no why...Jake why would you do this?!" Steven cried hugging Carlos' body waiting for a response but nothing, "why did you leave me love.."

"Steven let me front...he..he needs to be buried"

Steven shook his head and cried more. Steven didn't know what to say. Why would he leave him?

"Steven come on buddy.."

Steven nodded, he kissed the side of Carlos' cheek and let Marc front and he got up to find a shovel and he started digging. Once he finished digging he kissed Carlos' cheek then he picked him up and gently places him in the whole dug.

He buried him and Steven placed some flowers and they didn't hear anything from Jake not a single word. Marc sat down and blue ran up to him and sat down. They stayed there for a while.
"Come on boy let's go..." Marc sighed getting up and the tv went back to the apartment.

Marc sighed looking around then he grabbed a box and started putting everything that belonged to Carlos in the box.


He heard Jake call and looked at him in the small mirror. "Why did you do it...?"

"He...I promised him..."

"So you killed him!"

"He was in pain Marc! You and Steven didn't hear the cries he made in his sleep! Could you Eve hear how much pain he was in?"

"Still doesn't mean you should kill him!"

"He asked me too!! I never wanted to but it's what he wanted! You don't get that because you never listed to him!"

"Yes I did I did listen to him!"

"When you wanted to!"
"Will you both stop arguing!"

Marc looked at Steven and sighed. "Sorry Steven.." Marc looked away from the reflection and finished putting Carlos' stuff in a box then he put the box at the bottom of his wardrobe.

Marc sighed and sat on his floor. He had to get on. He can't sit and do nothing.

And he did he carried on living. He did visit the Carlos time to time but he focused on finding a job and stuff. But Steven not so much but he lived and will.

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