||Chapter 1||

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(Kou's pov)

The bell began to ring and I walked to my locker and grabbed my books out, I shared a class with my 2 friends Amane, and Yashiro. It's nice to hang out with them, just minus the part when Amane attempts to flirt with Yashiro, it sometimes works on her, but she is kinda getting used and tired of it, which leads him to be bored.

Mean while Amane's twin brother, Tuskasa, acts like he is "in love" with Amane, it's funny really. Amane looked at me and began to smirk at me.

Oh gosh..

Amane: RACE YA.


Meanwhile I could hear Yashiro struggling while trying to catch up to us. I managed to catch up to him and jumped in top of Amane making me scream and fall face flat in his face.

Amane: Ow...my poor face.

Kou: Ah shut up, your ugly anyways.

He rolled his eyes at me and I stood up and help Amane get off the ground, Yashiro catched up and the late bell rang and we rushed to class, which was in another hall. When we made it, Yashiro was talking with her friend Aoi and I sat down waiting for class to start. I don't care much for school, I just like to talk with my brother and my friends. To me it's not all that bad, Yashiros eye kit up and she ran towards us.

Yashiro: Guys! I got news!

Amane: News that your gonna date me? By any chance?

Yashiro: No?

Amane: Oh...forget what I said...

Yashiro: Aoi told me that there would be a new kid coming today! I think she said it was a boy!

Tuskasa: AMANE!!

Tuskasa burst into the room and the kids looked at him awkwardly, he hugged Amane tightly and he hugged him back. Tuskasa snuggled into Amane's shoulder and I went back to the topic.

Kou: What's next? Your gonna think the new kid is cute?

Amane: I'll kill him.

We all stare at him blankly and Yashiro shook her head. Tuskasa's face lit up and said "Amane's gonna kill someone? Cool!"

Oh my Lord...

The teacher walked into the room and we all sat down in our assigned seats, and the spider Firgue looked at us. He spat something in the trash and opened his mouth to say "So as some knows we're having a new classmate" I turned to look at the window beside my desk.

(3rd person pov)

Kou decided to stare out at the window and the weather was pretty warm, it has been chilly the last few days because of the rain. tsuchigomori, our teacher spoke again and let out his hand as if someone was there. "Say hello to, Mitsuba Sousuke"

Kou heard the door open and a boy Mitsuba, entered, everyone started whispering as he stood Infront of the class. Kou was confused with all the whispering, he turned to only find himself staring at Mitsuba.

Kou felt a blush creeping up his face, he wore a yellow scarf with light brown stripes and a long-sleeved pink sweater over the uniform they wore. The sweater ends up covering his right had. Mitsuba had pink hair slightly tied his hair in a ponytail. The rest stayed down.

Amane noticed Kou's staring and got up slight and whispered in his ear.

Amane: Your staring~

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now