🌸||Volume one|Remake||🌸

613 7 8

-Chapter 1-
"The new transfer student"

This chapter contains
Signs of bullying
Bad Grammer
And Bad spelling)

(Kou's pov)

My name is Kou Minamoto, and I am now currently a first year at Kamome Gakuem.
Along with my friend Yuki Amane, and my other friend, Yashiro Nene, is a year above us. We have been friends since around our middle school years when we were assigned a group project with the class next door.
For a fact, I fell in love with Yashiro ever since 3 weeks after our project ended. She was pretty, a short girl with long pretty hair and a cute smile.
Though she claimed I was never her type, even when I have not confessed my love. I was kinda heartbroken when I found out that she might have an interest in Yugi.

Though it have been an entire year that I have fallen out of love with Senpai, I wondered if I would feel those same feelings again. I snapped the thoughts out if my head once I heard Yuki and his younger twin brother, Yugi Tsukasa call me. I ran over to them and they had pointed something at a desk. I looked over to see a new pot of flowers. A girl with indigo hair, which her name was Akane Aoi, entered the room.
I was rather confused, because she was never in this class with us.
She was very pretty also, but I never had an interest in her, though it was surprising to some when I told people when I said I have no interest in a popular girl.

She said
"I placed those flowers there for the new kid, I heard he is coming here today and shall sit right in front of you Kou.."
Tsukasa and Amane began clapping.
Probably because I had been a little lonely during class and it's easier to talk to someone who is right by you.
Amane sits across from me by two seats, and Tsukasa sits behind him. I was about to make another thought but then I heard our homeroom teacher, Tsuchigomori.
He looks like a nice teacher, but me and my friends see though that little smile of his. It's pretty obvious he is putting a act, but I don't understand why. I sat down at my seat and stared out the window, waiting for class to start.
I was given a sketchbook for my birthday, so I began sketching the landscape outside the window, luckily for me, a girl that is on her last year, taught me how to do art, Mei is 17, and she is very nice and helpful with alot of things, and I love her passion in art.
I started drawing the trees outside the window, until Sensi smoke.

"Before the lesson,
I would like you to treat perfect respect to our new transfer student,
Mitsuba Sousuke"

I heard the door open and I heard footsteps coming, the whispering is what stopped me from sketching. I looked up and saw a boy, who looks like a girl, stand in front of the class. His hair was like a reddish pink color, tied Ina ponytail, and some of it covered one if his eyes and his eyes were hot pink, he had a pink sweater over his uniform along with it covering one his sleeves. Pink shoes and a scarf that was almost yellow, and had brown stripes on it.

I could not really think if anything else, My eyes just kept on saying in this boy.
I also felt a strabge feeling in me. The boy finally smoke, introducing himself.
"Hello, My name is Mitsuba Sousuke,
I would like to go by Mitsuba..
I hope we can be friends..."
I felt myself heating up when he looked at my direction. What made it worse is that the teacher assigned Mitsuba right next to me. When he did sit next to me, the teacher was writing the date, learning targets etc.
Mitsuba turned to me and said
Something I did not expect.
"Why are you looking at my like that? I know I'm cute but..
I'm not interested in lame ass earring boys"
Amane is not that far from me and over heard it, and I heard him snort like a pig.
"What do you prefer Hella-lame-traffic-safety-earring? Or pervert? Because I've noticed you been staring at me, up and down"
He wasn't wrong when I was staring at him. And I made eye contact with him
"Neither, My name is Minamoto Kou"
"No! Call me Kou!"
I was about to slap him, but he acted cute in front of me. I blushed at the sight of his eyes sparkle with his sleeve covering his mouth. I snapped back when Sensi started talking again, I waited for class to end, but since Mitsuba came, my mind is lost in thoughts.

And it been that way until the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and I saw Tsukasa's friends come in to pick him up for their club meetings, the boradcasting club. That's until Tsukasa began talking to Mitsuba as his friends joined him. Meanwhile Yashiro walked in the room to see me and Amane so we could go to lunch together at the garden near Yashiros club. When we left the classroom, I heard Amane say to Yashiro..
"I think Kou has a little crush on the new guy~"
He said loud enough for me to hear, I grabbed my bag and smacked him on the head while Yashiro tried to calm me down. She said..
"I may not know who he is, and I have not see you show signs of liking him, but that gives you no permission to smack Amane's head! Even if he deserves it!"
When Yashiro said that, Mitsuba walked over and bumped into Yashiro, me and Amane were about to help her and Mitsuba, but he did both of our jobs for us.
"You alright?"
I saw Yashiros face turn a bit pink and slowly nodded, taking his hand as he rises her up. It was an awkward silence until Mitsuba snorted after looking at her appearance as Yashiro did the same.
"My! How come your ankles are so big! Radish-legs!"
All three of us stood there is shock until Amane tried not to laugh. Yashiro yelled in defense
"My name is Yashiro Nene! I'm a first year in Kamome Gakuem High school division in class 1-A! It's not Radish legs!"
"You look like a daikon!"
Yashiro looked like she was lost for words, I jumped in and yelled
"She is not a Daikon or a radish! In fact, you look kinda like a rip-off pinkie pie!"
"Shut up Hella-lame-traffic-safety-earring!"
"My name is Kou-"
Amane yelled breaking us apart
"GEEE! Mitsuba, why don't you sir with us for lunch, and let's let this thing behind us!"
"I'm actually was gonna sit lunch with those scary werid broadcasting members, but thanks for the offer I guess"

-23 Minutes later-

I finished up my lunch and Yashiro began talking about my brother Teru. I knew Yashiro loved the idea of romance and all the love life stuff but it could never work out for her because of her loudness and legs. Amane rolled his eyes and attempted to change the topic. I excused myself and walked back inside the school and walked down the stairs. When I did, I busted the Art room beside the creepy staircase, Shijima Mei, walked along the area and screamed when she saw me.
"I'm sorry did I scare you?!"
She looked up and me and sighed in relief
"Oh thank God.. I thought you were those boradcasting members.."
The broadcasting members, Natsuhiko, Sakura, and Tsukasa, were known for causeing trouble and spreading rumors about some students here and spreaded out secrets. Which almost them one if the few terrors of Kamome Gakuem.
"What happened this time?"
"They tried to get me to do something for them, but I refused and now, Natsuhiko is trying to steal my sketchbook.."
"You know...may not be the best time to say this but, there is this new boy, and they invited him to lunch with them, Soo..I think they might get him to join their ass stupid little club.."
Mei eyes wide and she stood up fast and began walking upstairs.
"What are you doing? Aren't you heading to the art room to finish a project or something?"
Mei stopped for a minute and looked back at me and replied
"I'ma stop that boy from joining them! And even if I overheard some kids saying he may be a little Sassy, it wouldn't hurt to make him step away from the trouble those members bring here.."

And with that, she walked away, I just decided to follow her anyway and to my suprised she walked fast then ai expected, she was shine in a flash, I looked around corners but I could not see her. I continued walking until I bumped into Aoi Akane, and Akane Aoi.
"Sorry...have you seen Mei? She walked faster then I intended her to do, have you seen her by any chance?"
Aoi jumped into what I was saying and pointed the the left on the hallway.
"I saw her walked over there, and yes, she was walking pretty fast, almost running actually!" I thanked her and walked away before her "Boyfriend" attacks me for talking to her, as if I had a crush on her and confess.

I ran after Mei when I saw her, and she was already grabbing onto Mitsuba's clothes and told him straight up.
"Those members are nothing but trouble!! I suggest you leave them right now!!
And mitusab replied with confusion.
"I wasn't gonna join them anyways, they were kinda rude, and Natsuhiko and Sakura were talking about me and it sounded like it was nothing good.
There was an awkward silence, until Mitsuba made eye contact with me.
"Quit following me wherever I go, You Pervert! It's because of my cute looks huh?!" Mei began to giggle while I defended myself.
I knew from this day on...
Mitsuba was gonna do something important in my life..

Love at first sight (Kou x Mitsuba||TBHK)Where stories live. Discover now